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Love /lev/

1. an intense feeling of a deep connection.

My shoes padded lightly against the wooden boards as a walked down the hall. My belongings piled into two cardboard boxes in my arms. I heard footsteps approach in the oncoming direction and cranked my neck to peek over the boxes. I caught a glimpse of a tuft of white hair and glint of black sunglasses before I felt my foot latch behind my ankle sending me onto the floor and spilling the contents of my boxes.

"Ash..." I hissed and rubbed my now bruised knee, I quickly began to asses the scene of my scattered items. "Ah fuck..." I scrambled onto my knees and began to speedily shove my belongings into the boxes. I can't believe I let my curiosity get the best me and now my shit is all over the floor — my private shit and I really tripped over myself in front of a stranger like some cliche movie.

"Ay you should way where you're going." A male's voice came from a few feet in front of me. I passed and looked up, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"Oh uh... thanks for the advice asshole." I murmured and scratched the back of my neck.

"It's pretty solid huh?" He chuckled slightly. "My bad, let me help you out."

He knelt down and helped me repack my belongings into the boxes. I could've help but steal quick glances at him, I swore when I wasn't looking I could feel him doing the returning my little crime. Once we all my things were packed again, I stood up and brushed myself off.

"Gojo Satoru." He broke out a large grin and extended his hand to me.

"Uh... Y/n Fushiguro..." I said gingerly and returned his greeting. A slight blush rose to my cheeks as his fingertips brush against my palm and wrapped themselves around the underside of my hand.

Some people's hands are clammy, or rough, or straight up you could tell their hands stink, you know? His hands where not too soft and not too rough and they weren't sweaty or gross, they were nice and warm.

"Obviously I'm new here." I say and let my hand fall to my side.

"Me too, my first year here." He chuckles. "Still navigating huh?"

"Yeah I guess." I scoff at myself for my awkward response. I guess? No shit Sherlock.

"Well I make an excellent tour guide." He pushes his glasses up and I catch a quick glimpse of blue eyes. I don't think I've ever seen a clearer shade of blue eyes in my entire life. I mean he's cute or whatever but we're not here to play with boys. I feel the awkwardness ease out my body and flick my hair.

"I guess I don't mind having a VIP tour." I smile and raise my eyes to meet his... well two black lenses. "And a somewhat handsome tour guide."

"Oh haha I mean I guess I don't look too shabby huh." He grins, showing off his shiny white teeth.

"I guess, don't get too cocky though." I say bending down and reaching for a box. "I could change my mind."

"Yeah I wouldn't want that." He sighs and picks up another box.

I felt my face heat up.

"Oh thank you, you didn't have to." I smile and picked up the other box. "I'm pretty sure my dorm is just a few doors down..."

"I don't mind." He hums. "I think you'll really like it around here."

"Do I really have an option?" I reply sarcastically and smile.

"No not really. You are now a prisoner here now." He chuckled. "Is this your dorm?"

You both stopped in front of a wooden door.

"Yeah it should be."

We started to make our way down the hall and made light conversation.

"So where are you from?" He inquired.

"Not far... from the Zenin clan actually..." I replied gingerly as my mind wandered off to life at home.

"Zenin huh..." he remarked quietly. 

"Yeah..." I cringed slightly. "Just following family legacy ya know."

"I get that." He sighed and came to a stop next to you. "Is this your room?"

"It should be..." I replied in an unsure tone.

I stopped in front of a door and juggled the box in my grip, jiggling the knob open with slight difficulty.

"I'm pretty sure this is it." I reassured and set the box down on a table. "Wow those place is like a whole apartment."

"Ooohhhhh this is nice." He grinned. "Ain't smell like roaches or nothin' in here."

"Oh shut up." I chuckled and set my items down on the table. "Now all that's left to do is make myself at home."

"I can help you with that." Gojo started and opened the boxes.

I quickly reached over the table and slammed the top shut.

"Please you've helped me enough already. I can do this myself." I smile.

"Are you sure you just aren't hiding something you don't want me to see?" He asked quizzically.

"I mean I guess some help wouldn't be so bad." I ponder.

"Alright I'll get to show off my real strength now." He huffed.

"Mmm confident I see." I smirk and turn around to examine my new room for the next four years.

"I mean I am just one like totally not one the best future jujitsu sorcerers around." I heard him boast.

"Wow you are really arrogant huh?" I scoff.

"I'm not arrogant I'm... confident in my abilities." He corrected as he shuffled over behind me.

"Okay sure buddy." I roll my eyes and walk over to my bed. Nice and... roomy I guess.

Besides Gojo being kind of an overconfident asshole, he's pretty nice. He helped me move most my things into my room and tidy it up so we could go out with all the first years on time.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...

I see views dropping dramatically after the first chapter I just want to say this book will be worth I have such a good plot in mind :))

Cursed (Gojo x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang