Hows That Ice Tasting?

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The sun was beating down heavily on our backs, heating my skin through my shirt. I really thought there would be more first years but it's just Me, Gojo, a boy with long black hair named Geto, and a single other girl, Shoko.

"I really thought there would be more students." I confess. "I'm glad I'm not the only girl I'm this class thank god."

"It's a small school, they choose their students wisely." Geto replied and held up a finger.

"Yeah we're just a different breed I guess." I chuckled slightly.

"Yeah subtle brag I'm pretty powerful." Gojo stated proudly and squared his shoulders.

"Yeah.. sure." Geto scoffed. "Where would you like to eat y/n, Shoko?"

"Mmm I'm not sure, I'm not really hungry so much as I am thirsty..." I said and fanned myself with my hand. "The heat is rough today."

"We could get boba tea." Shoko said quietly.

"Mmm yes that sounds like a good idea." I said.

"Yeah it's ruthless." Gojo huffed taking off his jacket and slung it over his shoulder. "Ah... I forgot my wallet."

"Looks like you can learn how to starve now." I smiled. "Unless you pay me back cause we can make an arrangement of sorts. However, there will be an interest rate."

"Yeah I think I'll pass." He said and dug his hands into his pockets.

"I'm excuse me, sir?" A woman's voice came from behind us. We all turned around to face a tall brunette woman with green eyes and a great figure. She was gorgeous.

"Have my looks entranced you?" Gojo said smiling and pulling his glasses down.

"Wow are you a model?" She beamed. "Do you think I can get your number?"

I don't think I could ever prepare myself for the brief exchange of words between them. Is a scene from some sappy romcom movie his idea of being charming?

"Well as a matter of fact I am, but I would have to inquire with my manager, it could be harmful to my reputation." He exasperated. "You're very beautiful but I'm afraid I shouldn't be seen out with anyone."

"Oh, I understand." She said defeated. "But here's my number...if you ever change your mind." She handed Gojo a slip of paper and winked and just as suddenly as she had appeared, she left into the crowd.

I stood there switching my stare from Gojo to the spot where the woman once stood in bewilderment. So I guess what happened earlier wasn't him coming onto me, it was just him playing with me. Well I guess I got that all figured out.

"So like... I see you're pretty popular huh." I said deadpanned and turned to Gojo. The events from a few moments ago replayed in my head. I could feel green surging through my veins. Even though I know he was just toying with me and her, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. "I think I've lost my appetite."

"Come on Geto let's go." Shoko turned around and started walking towards the boba tea shop.

"You shouldn't be toying with women like that, you disgust me." Geto grimaced and followed Shoko into the shop.

"I agree. Not only is it absolutely repulsive to watch, but being a player isn't so cool anymore. We're in modern times, men respect women, catch up to the trend." I add.

"Y/n you just witnessed my amazing charm." He winked. I pinched the bridge of my nose and grimaced. "I can make any woman fall to their knees for me."

"Mmhmm yeah sure buddy." I said under my breath quickly. "I it quite appalling actually."

He turned to me and took a few steps forward and slipped his finger underneath my chin.

My eyes widened as he neared to me, close enough to feel his hit breath on my lips. My chest tightened slightly and I hitched my breath.

Seeing him respond that way to that woman, not even asking for her name, just playing with her, I don't know. Something about that is just so off-putting for some reason. It would be foolish of me to not assume he left just toying with me too.

"Are you so sure about that." He whispered with a smirk.

Y/n he's just trying to prove a point, don't fall for it.

I quickly shoved him away from me, cheeks still burning and red from the closeness.

"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed.

"Okay okay geez." He said backing away, hands up in defeat.

"I'm drawing the line." I say dragging my finger in the air, drawing an imaginary line. "Please respect my boundaries."

"Alright I will respect your boundaries." He repeated. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah okay whatever, let's just go with Geto." I turn on my heel and walk into the boba tea shop.

I noticed the suns rays had began to bleed from behind the horizon and over the clouds, hues of light purple and pink and orange painted the sky.

As I entered the shop, the sweet smell of tea and coffee instantly flooded my nose. I scanned the shop for the dark haired man and a woman with brown shoulder length and saw him waving at us from a table near the back. I waved back and walked over to the table and sat down next to Shoko.

"Y/n I wasn't sure which drink you wanted but you seemed like the type to like (favorite tea/drink) so I hope you like it." Geto smiled and handed me a cup filled with (favorite drink/tea) and a think straw.

"It was me, I definitely didn't tell what I thought your favorite drink was." Shoko whispered into my ear. "Just a vibe."

I sat down on the cool cushioned chair and shoved the straw through the thin plastic covering.

"Where's my drink?" Gojo inquired and raised a brow.

Geto looked up from his from with a puzzled look on his face. "What do you mean?" He said and tilting his head.

Gojo stared blankly at Geto before walking up the the counter and returning with an ice cup with water.

"Yeah sorry dogs can't drink boba." I chuckled and took a sip from my drink. "How's that ice tasting?"

He shot me a glare before responding. "Actually pretty good.  Real refreshing and oh" he took a small sip. "With a hint of chloride."

"Glad to see everyone is satisfied." Geto spoke up.

Shoko pulled out her phone and got busy on social media. Geto and Gojo started to get into a heated argument about Jujutsu while I slowly drifted off into my own world, a cacophony of shrill voices and ambiance droning on in the background.

The lingering anxiety began to creep up on me slowly in waves. A single anxious thought eating at me.

Sooner or later... I'll have to tell them. Why does it have to be this way?

Cursed (Gojo x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang