Chapter 1 - first day

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I ran through the woods, tears blurring my vision as the moons orb of light smudged against my view. My blush dress hung below my ankles as it now had slits on the rim. Intertwined with twigs and spiderwebs, my hair flew behind me as strands glistened in the wind.

*the dress in the picture above*

A root appeared before my feet as I fell forward. My arms were too exhausted to react as I slammed front first, heart thumping against the ground. In attempt to get up, my eyes winced from a throbbing pain. I gripped my ankle, trying to stop the pain pulsing through my nerves. I looked into the pillars of trees. My heart dropped as I felt a gust of wind behind me.

A sharp pain pierced through my neck as I saw a pair of teeth grope around my neck. It's jaws clenching my breath. Each tooth attached to pink gums, in cased in white bumpy skin. A  beautiful shine reflected off it as a hot tongue grazed my neck.

Its grip tightened as I gasped for air. Tears pouring down my face as my eyes darted around for anything to save me. My eyes fixated their vision on a sharp rock, enough to cause a heavy blow and light enough to hold in my hand. I dug my nails into its gums causing it to loosen its grip in a cry. I took this chance to dart towards to rock, I swung my torso around as I slammed the rock into its snout, clenching my teeth at the force.

It bellowed in pain as screeches echoed in the forest. I stood up, and darted into the forest ignoring my twisted ankle, adrenaline pumped through my body.


"For heavens sake...can't a girl get her beauty sleep?" I threw my alarm across the room, landing on the soft carpets. "Ugh..." My head throbbed as I got up. That dream was really weird... I took a panado to relieve my headache. I looked at my phone "9:30?! I was supposed to wake up at 7:00! Stupid alarm." I quickly opened my dresser and grabbed my new uniform. I was offered a job at Jurassic World to train a new asset they cooked up. I arrived yesterday and was given a tour of the park, including the labs and compounds. I can't believe it's my first day and I'm already going to be late.

I arrived at the labs, hair wild and tangled. I attempted to brush it out with my fingers which helped a bit. Dr. Wu made his entrance, "I see someone woke up on the wrong side of bed" he chuckled, making me feel even more embarrassed than I already was. " Follow me, I'll show you the new asset we have been working on." I followed Dr. Wu to one of the labs containing incubators. " The public wanted something bigger, scarier, more teeth." We stopped in front of two eggs being incubated, a slight crack shown on one.

"The indominus Rex, a new genetically modified hybrid. They will be 15 meters long when fully grown, bigger than a T-Rex." I glanced down at the two eggs in the incubator, to think something so small will be that big. "What are their genders?" I asked in curiosity. "Their brother and sister, we created two in case one didn't survive the trip."

I crouched down to get a better look, it's size was that of an ostriches egg, bigger even. I stared at the crack on its shell. "I'll leave you to keep an eye on them, since you're their future trainer after all." Mr. Wu left me alone in the room with the two eggs. I didn't feel frightened since they are still behind the shell that separated me from them, even if they did hatch, what would a newborn baby possibly do?




I turned my head to look at the second egg. It moved as it tried to break free from its shell. A sharp black claw crept out as it moved the cracked shells away, revealing a a gorgeous fiery eye that stared into my blue orbs. A few seconds later the second egg hatched revealing a slightly paler crimson eye. They both stared at me for ages, I almost felt entranced my their eye colour as I crept closer, reaching my hand out to the fiery eyed creature.

"Mrs. Cardle, are you ok?" Mr. Wu had entered the room, following close behind him was another scientist. "Oh, yes, I'm just not feeling very well." I sheepishly smiled. "I would suggest for you to take today off if you aren't feeling well." Mr. Wu placed down a VIP pass on the counter next to him. "This will give you permission to come and go when you like." I thanked Mr. Wu as I walked passed him, grabbing the VIP pass. As I closed the door behind me, I took one last glance at the eggs. The one continued to break out of its shell while the other still stared at me, it's fiery eye not moving an inch from mine.

—————sorry for the short chapter, I'm still new with writing, I'll try update when I have time >~< ————

Contained - yandere indominus rexKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat