Chapter 3 - the enclosure

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I ran down the hall, broken glass shattered on the floor as my feet crunched on egg shells. My lab coat drenched in my allies crimson fluid as I raced towards the exit. A screech was heard not far from behind me as I took a sharp left, hiding behind the register table.

Loud scrunches of glass and egg yolk echoed through my ears. Hisses deafening my eardrums as I held my breath. The footsteps got closer before a call was heard outside. The raptor turned its head before looking at the register I hid behind before running off to its brothers call.

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I peeked my head out from the counter. Looks like I'm safe for now. I got out from my hiding place, being careful to not slip on the broken eggs.

A loud call was heard behind me as I stopped in my tracks. It's humid breath tickling my neck. I slowly turned around to face the blue stripped raptor, it's eyes slit with hunger. I took a slow step behind me, as soon as my foot reached the floor I stepped on to one of the guards radios.

"Does anyone copy, I repeat if their are any survivors left in the laboratory answer."

I looked down at my foot and then to the hissing creature in front of me. It revealed it sharp white teeth as it lunged at me, talons fully enlarged.

"AHHHHH" I jumped out of bed, throwing whatever covers were on me to the floor. My body was dripping of sweat while my heart pumped blood through my body like there was no tomorrow.I took a minute to calm down before asking myself questions.

There's no way that was a dream.
It felt to real to be one.
But isn't this the second dream now?
Maybe I'm just undergoing major stress from yesterday's incident.

I grabbed my phone off my side table and looked at the time. 6:34. Seems like I won't be late again. I placed my phone back on the table before getting ready for work. After I showered and got dressed I made my way towards the parking lot.

Looks like they drove it back to my place. I hopped in my vehicle and drove to the labs, looking at a happy family eating breakfast. I parked my car and grabbed the VIP pass remembering the two eggs that hatched.

I hope the they won't cause too much trouble for me.

I greeted Mr. Wu and a few other scientists, before reaching a steel door. As I opened it a gust of wind struck my face, messing up my neatly done ponytail. I fixed my hair as I walked into the enclosure. It was a giant forest, filled with vines hanging from redwood trees, and moss growing on the rim of ponds.

I looked around to try find the little gremlins, until a white blur ran across my view. I slowed my pace and stared at a rustling bush, I reached inside my pocket and took a treat. Crouching down and placing it on my palm I reached my hand towards the rustling bush.

A small snout peeped out the bush, followed by a silky white form. It's fiery eyes stared at the meaty treat, glancing at me in question. I nodded my head, not thinking it would understand, but it seemed to noticed my approval and ate the treat in my palm. I was bewildered, did a dinosaur just understand me?

I took out another treat and stood up, the white creature was up to my knee. I held the treat in my hand, I know I'm going to sound weird treating him like a dog but it's worth a shot. "Sit." The white creature looked at me in confusion and then stared at the treat. I knew that was dumb... I closed my eyes and sighed.

When I opened them I saw the creature was rubbing its head against my leg. I saw that he was sitting, my eyes widened. I thought it wouldn't work but it actually turns out it can understand me!? Mr. Wu never told me it's genetics but whatever he mixed up in that lab sure made it intelligent.

I crouched down and gave him the treat in my palm, after finishing he gazed up at me, tilting his head. "Sorry little guy, I don't have anymore." He left out a small growl, I attempted to calm him down by stroking him, which he allowed surprisingly.

I crossed my legs and soon after he crawled on my lap, "Seems like I need to come up with a name for you huh?" I stroked him from his head down to his spine. He let out small vibrations from his throat, did they mix him with cat genes? I giggled at my joke.

Seems like he is quite calm, so I'm sure it won't hurt to take a short nap.

It was until later that day I regretted ever closing my eyes.

———Hi, author here! Seems like Bella has taken a liking to her new job! I am also taking name suggestions for the indominus rex!———

Contained - yandere indominus rexМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя