"Marty...oh that's a cute name."

Jake scowled and looked away from the woman.

"I'm in the room down the hall from you, would you both like to join me for dinner?" she asked.

"Marty's a little tired, I'm putting him to bed, but I'll join you." Max said.

Amanda's eyes sparkled as she nodded.

Jake climbed into bed knowing that there was no way the woman would believe him now.

Three weeks….Three weeks Callen had screamed and yelled and pulled at the restraints until he was hoarse, eventually they had put him into an induced coma on the orders of his next of kin, until he had healed.

Hetty knew Callen would hate her for doing it, but she knew he needed to heal.

She had pulled every string she knew to look for Jake, but nothing...The closest they had gotten was a motel, Kensi and Sam had gone to the room that had Max's card registered to it to find the room empty, save for the body of a blonde woman, a knife stuck in her chest and a small set of bloody fingerprints on her shirt.

"You think Deeks did this?" Kensi asked worried.

Sam didn't know but he looked worried as well, "I dunno, Maybe Giamatti did it, but by those handprints it look like Jake tried to stop it.

Sam suppressed a shudder, he wondered how he would have reacted if it had been either of his children trying to stop the woman from bleeding out.

Neither had wanted to report it to Hetty.

However, they had returned to the mission and told her that the trail seemed to have run cold.

Eric and Nell looked everywhere and Hetty had upset both Sam and Kensi when she'd had Callen moved to a secure facility for healing.

Sam felt bad as Wanda and Bert were calling every other day to find out how things were going, he hated stalling them but in the end he promised to call if he heard anything.

Not wanting to tell Callen that Jake was missing, Hetty had kept him in seclusion. At least once a week he tried escaping, but hadn't made it very far and was then drugged and dragged back to his room.

Hetty walked in as Callen sat on the floor in the padded safe room.

"Why are you doing this?" he looked up his eyes haunted at her, "Please just let me go…" he pleaded.

"Where would you go Mr. Callen?" She asked.

"To find Jake." He answered without a thought.

"Where?" She asked again.

Callen looked, in truth he didn't know where he would start.

"I need to know you will trust your team to have your back, they are looking for him. I need to know that you will not disappear on me again." She said, she hated what she was putting him through but she had seen the trailer for herself and the report from the doctor had said that he was borderline malnourished. She needed to know that he would not leave again.

'Tough love' they called it, She owed it to Clara to keep an eye on her son. She knew he would probably hate her forever for this, but if it kept him safe until they located the boy, it was worth it.

All day she had remembered the look of utter betrayal on her face as she left. She hadn't seen that look on his face since he was a child and she hoped she'd have good news soon so she never had to see that look again.

"So when can we see him?" Sam asked Hetty as she was leaving for the day.

"Mr. Callen has requested no visitors." She said not looking him in the eye and walking out towards the door.

All the way home.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें