She liked being in his company. He was annoying, and cocky, yes, but he pulled it off enough that Naomi liked it. Funnily enough, he had cracked her, enough to tolerate him for it. But the fact that he was untrustworthy, held her back. She didn't want it to, but she needed to put herself first in this situation. The sex between them was merely them communicating unspoken feelings, which they weren't ready to talk about yet, but enough for the other to understand they were there for the other.

"Okay we all know that, but what's so wrong with you giving him a chance?"

"I can't"

"You can't because of what? Theo's literally one of the most loyal guys I know"

"Loyal? Did he not literally have a whole fuckboy phase at the start of uni last year?"

"Well yes, but I mean when he really likes someone, he really likes them"

Naomi squinted her eyes at Ollie. What he was saying made it seem like he knew more than he was letting on. Something she wasn't surprised about because she knew boys talked, but she didn't know how much he knew.

"Is that so? So you think I should give him a chance when he likes another girl?" She teased, wanting Ollie to slip up

"He doesn't like another girl he... look, I just know when he likes one girl he likes them..."

"He likes them enough to fuck up her ex, who did something terrible to her" Ollie admitted, watching Naomi's face. He wasn't sure that she knew about what happened with Seb, but someone needed to tell her. Someone needed to tell her that Theo was all in when it came to her. There was no one else, that he wanted her and her only and he was going to be there to protect her, no matter what.

Naomi furrowed her eyebrows at Ollie's last statement, trying to piece the sentence together. To really make sure she heard what he said correctly. To understand that Theo had gone and beat up Seb when she had left uni last year. That Theo knew everything that happened to her and he protected her. That he protected her in a way he knew how to, because his words always failed him.

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Her mouth was dry. She took a deep breath in and looked at Ollie. She needed to see if he was telling the truth. To see that. "I-l" she stuttered

"Hey guys, what are we talking about?" Aimee smiled, coming back over to the table with chips and a slushy.

"Nothing important, baby" Ollie answered, kissing Aimee's forehead whilst she drank her drink

"Naomi you okay?" Aimee asked watching Naomi play with her fingers, to calm herself down.

"Yeah I'm just-"

"Hey guys!" Elijah smiled as he sat down at the table with Tiana on his arm

"Where's Theo?" Aimee asked

"He's didn't drive with us, so he's parking his car now" Elijah explained

"Okay great!"

After a few minutes, in walked Theo. Naomi refused to look at him. She couldn't. Not because she was avoiding him, but because she was thankful.

She was surprised.

She didn't even know how to act around him now. Theo had protected her, when she had pushed him away, and he didn't even mention it. He didn't tell her. He left the situation with Seb alone, he didn't mention beating him up. He didn't mention that he did it for her. He didn't tell her that he would protect her, even when she didn't want it.

It was as if piece by piece, Theo was showing her he was serious about her. She knew he liked her, but the fact that he wasn't pressuring her to talk until she was ready, that he protected her, that he was there for her made her realise maybe she was being a bit harsh on him when it came to reciprocating her feelings. She still had a wall up with him. It was for her own safety of her feelings due to the past, but Theo was slowly knocking it down without his knowledge and she didn't like it.

Waiting On You [18+]Where stories live. Discover now