A Knight to Remember

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"Here comes another comet flash," (Y/N) stiffly points out with squinting eyes, smirking a bit.

"Oh, you can comprehend your surroundings?" Kin fakes a naïve look of innocence as (Y/N) starts seeing red.

(Y/N) yells out in frustration, jabbing their index finger to Kin's forehead, "I slammed my locker into your face on accident FOUR WEEKS AGO!"

"Four weeks ago my butt, dude!" Kin argues back, "You broke my glasses!"

The other members all sigh in unison as the geek and the emo start to brawl back into the garage.


Unbeknownst of the lackey and the schemer, the comet has it's second flash of the added day. The two teens flicker in pink as they are transformed into different outfits, Trina in figure-widening robes and Mina in a knee-length lilac dress.

Mina smile though there's more malice under it than usually, "WE're going to play make-believe," She plops on the princess hat on her head, "I'm a princess. You are my disgusting troll servant, Gucky."

Trina nods, holding her arms, "Uber-totes, Mina. Obedience is life," She adds on spinelessly.

"That's more like it," Mina crosses her arms, "I have already hired my royal minstrel."


The band is currently back in the garage, Corey on the stage while tuning his guitar, Laney's sitting on a milk crate, and Kon is pushing his friends away from the other.

Laney rereads the scroll Corey had brought with him, "We're minstrels for a fake princess?" She concludes, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at Corey.

"Not fake, Lanes, just pretend," Corey corrects, "Haven't you ever heard of LARPing?"

(Y/N) stops mid-right hook, a glare replaced with a horrified look, "Please don't tell me what I think you're implying-"

Kin grins, getting a kick out of the face (Y/N)'s making, and twists Corey's head over to him and his brother, "We have!" He says as (Y/N) fights the thoughts of mass murder, "LARP is an acronym for live action roleplaying."

Kon adds on, "It's like Halloween with costumes and pretending to be things!-no candy though."

The smaller twin tuts, "Unless you're a candy wizard," The twins fist bump.

(Y/N) sighs, back from their journey of social anxiety, "I'm disgusted with the amount of pathetic radiating off of you," They mention, and Kin's face scrunches up.

He throws his right fist toward (Y/N), but they sidestep quicker, the geek ending up on the floor, "Too slow."

Kon just crosses his arms, "(Y/N)."

(Y/N) mumbles to themself as they pick Kin back off the ground with great reluctance.

As that happened, Corey slides a green cap over his beanie, "Next stop: The Kingdom of Sword and Shield," GROJBAND PREDICTS POKEMON. Or did Pokemon rip off Grojband???


Candy Wizards Have All The Fun





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