A loud smokescreen startle Mick Mallory and the clown, both looking up and behind them at the stage.

"Whenever evil needs to be rocked..." More kids take a look over at the pink smoke covering the stage, all looking in wonderment and confusion, "or villains need to face the music..."

"You will find US!" The smog clears away, revealing Grojband in an assortment of colorful costumes and makeshift weapons. I wonder how a few 13 year old's could afford such a costume change...maybe it was a lawsuit against the mayor of Peaceville. We'll never know, "THE JUSTICE BAND!" 

"I am Screechules! Ancient god of feedback!" Kin leaps into the air, aiming his handle-added-speaker at the children. Feedback from the amplifier makes the chocolate statue/fountain of Mick Mallory to explode over a few kids.

Despite their ears being attacked, the kids love it anyway, "Yay!"

"I am Beat Bot!" Kon, in cardboard and tinfoil, slides to the edge of the stage, "I thwart evil a hundred times a second!" Kon pops his arms out of the tinfoil with his drumsticks. He begins drumming, his beats ringing through the kids' ears and shaking them off balance. One kid's teeth and glasses get cracked.

"YAY!" Even with almost going deaf twice, the party goers still love that.

(Y/N) does that thing models do when they walk the runway and then spin around out of nowhere. They sport a silky black cloak, covering the top of their face, with a two cardboard horns painted red poking out on both sides of their head(the left one lower). On the tippy-top of the right horn, an angel ring sits lopsidedly. (Y/N) and has smudged their eyeliner down their cheeks(lookin' like The Winter Soldier). They have no shirt on but has gold body paint of angel wings on their chest/a white tank top on(gold angel wings drawn on), gold-painted cardboard arm cuffs, black skinny jeans, and over the knee platform-boots(angel wings taped on the side).

"Thanatos, Shinigami, The Harvester, The angel...OF DEATH," (Y/N) starts off, the other members of Grojband waiting because they're going off script, "but I usually just go by Angelface."

The kids watch in awe as (Y/N) paces around the stage, "I am an angel sent from above to redeem theirself for salvation. I aid the human race for my own redemption, but have grown a soft spot for the frail little things."

"This Is my harp. I call it Light," (Y/N) holds up their portable mixtable, a gold painted cardboard harp design over the boxy figure. Their expression darkens, "Test me, and you will SEE the light..."

(Y/N) pulls the mixtable to their side and starts spamming random buttons and keys, blaring colorful lights shooting out of the side. The kids cover their burning retinas, but grin at the lack of sight, "YAY!"

"I'm Livewire," Laney jumps into the air with her new bass, her face entirely neutral, "This is one sassy ninja you don't wanna tangle with," She whiplashes her bass, an electric green wire coming out from the bottom and snatching some kid's soda.

Laney lets go of the soda, the can ending up in Corey's gloved hands, "And I'm Frontman, fearless leader of The Justice Band!" He takes a sip from the can, "I boss these guys around."

Mick Mallory walks to the stage, "Mick Mallory just found his headliner," Mick Mallory glances up at the clown-that's not Kingoddammit, "Those shoes were made for walking."

The clown leaves, dejected, and his head hangs low.

A hand grabs Corey's cape knot, yanking him all the way to the owner of the hand. His sister that's currently glowering at him. He smirks, "Greetings, citizen. What evil befouls you?"

"I spent forever hardiying this party up for mini-Nick," Trina jabs a thumb at herself, "I'm the one who's gonna make this party great. I'm the one who brought the bouncy-castle!"

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