"Rabbit... mooncake?"

"My grandma sent it here, she made it herself " "It tastes really good" he said smiling.

Well I don't eat sweets but he have it to me, so what's wrong in trying it? It is cute also. The mooncake was made like a rabbit's face.

"There is a lot of food, pudding and cake, what do you like to eat?"

"I don't like sweet food"

"There's also a game from last time, I practiced well" "stay here to play"

"Even if you practice you are gonna lose" "And when you are begging me so much I have to stay right" I said mockingly.
"Who is here begging you to stay?! "
"You are"
"Shut up!"

" let's go to the rooftop we will play and eat snacks there"
He handed me the snacks
We went to the rooftop.

We sat down the night sky was beautiful. He started playing games while I just started at the sky. The scene was really pretty away from all the noise sitting there in silence. It felt so good.

"EH? HOW COME I LOST AGAIN!!" Shu shouted.
"What the hell? you startled me!" "I told you it was of no use you will always lose, I told you that, idiot"

"Don't call me idiot I am a genius "
"Then win this game then I will accept that you're a genius "
"Just you wait"

He lost twenty times more after that. 
"Well, this is the twentieth loss" I said
"Do you still want me to accept that you are a genius? " "You kept on losing"

"Well I will win, all this losses were just me warming up, if I show you my true potential you will be amazed"
"Ah just shut up, and give it to me I will show what a real game looks like"
Then I snatched it away from him and started to play. After sometime. I won fifty times.
"Ha ha ha learn something from me you peasant!" I laughed.

He look at me shocked and snatched it back . " I will not lose to you!" He said with tears forming is his eyes.
What is there to cry here. He is being way to emotional for such a small thing. Whatever.

Should I eat some of the pudding? Let's see how it tastes. I took some pudding and started eating it. It was way to sweet for me. Why does Shu always eat sweet stuff. We are the complete opposites I like spicy stuff while he likes sweet stuff and can't tolerate spicy things.

Ah~I want to eat something spicy now.

"Why didn't you move with your grandparents?" I asked him.

"I feel like I'm more free alone"
He is obliviously afraid to be alone, what is he acting strong for? Whatever it's not my problem.

"You can come to my house sometimes. My family welcomes you a lot. I feel like sometimes they think you as there own son only".

He suddenly went silent after hearing my words and looked at the floor for some time not making any eye contact.

"Yue thank you for staying with me tonight "

"Why are you thanking me? I only wanted to eat the mooncake your grandma made"

"You don't like sweet food" he said grinning at me.


With a friend like you

I will never feel lonely

"So you did know and still gave me all these sweet food!"

"I didn't force you to eat them"
"ha ha ha"

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Have a wonderful day !

Have a wonderful day !

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