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Tusbaki point of veiw ~ As I was walking to go meet my friends I could feel the looks of hatred on me from all the other students. Looks like my loud mouthed class let out that I was a villains daughter. Whatever it's not like I care about theses people. I headed into the cafeteria and saw my green haired brother, my pink haired sister, my boyfriend, purple haired brother and my blonde best friend all sitting at a table.

I went over and sat next to Neito who was my boyfriend and laid my head on his chest. "Hey Ama how is your first day going do far"Izu asked "how come your class wasn't at the orientation"Toga asked

"I hate every single person in that class but they hate me as well seeing as I am a villains daughter. A blonde chihuahua and a Canadian flag declared me as their rival as well as each other. The only person I actually like in that class is my teacher. Who happens to be Hito's favorite hero. And the reason why we weren't at the orientation was because he wanted to rest our strength and power"I said

"Wait so Eraserhead is your teacher"Izu asked "yeah he is"I said "well just ignore your class they don't know you and they automatically judged you without getting to know you"Mei said "yeah but it looks like they told the entire school about my status of being a villains daughter. Seeing as everyone is currently glaring at me"I said

"you know what why don't we go eat lunch in class 1-h"Izu suggested and we nodded getting up and following the two. Before we walked in neito held me back while the others went in "are you okay"he asked me

"physically yes, mentally kinda but emotionally not at all"I said and he brought me to a hug. He was six inches taller then me seeing as he was 5'9 and I was 5'3.

"How about later we have a movie marathon just the two of us and you can tell me what's wrong"He said "yeah that would be nice thank you"I said and gave me a kiss on my forehead and we walked inside.

Power loader was the teacher for class 1-H "you two must be Neito Monomo and Amaterasu Tusbaki. Mei and Izuku will be making your hero suits so do you mind if they get your measurements for your hero suits. They wanted to be the ones to design them"Power loader said "nah it's fine"I said

Then he took our measurements "hey teach I have a question"Mei said "what is it"Power loader asked after taking our measurements "is it possible to make a hero suit that has motion sensors and changes depending on the users quirk usage as well the environment around them"Izu asked

"I thinks it's possible it depends on what you have in mind"Power loader said "theses are the rough drafts of the blueprints for the hero costumes"Mei said and the three of them started talking. Neito, Hito, Himi and I just ignored their conversation and had our own conversation. But in the back of my mind I couldn't get the feeling that this was going to be bad for me. But not only for me but my friends as well.

End of chapter

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