"Get him off me" Aide struggled. Scott grabbed onto Stiles hand and tried to pull it free but it didn't work. Deaton was the one to get Stiles off.

Stiles's hand fell from Aiden's throat and the fox looked at it confused. He couldn't move his hand at all. The rest of his body followed suit causing him to fall forward. Scott caught him by the shoulders. They pushed him back so he was leaning against the back of the couch.

He then taunted Aiden. "Where's Ethan, I sure hope he doesn't get hurt" Void spoke. Aiden's look flashed with panic.

"He's at the school" Void said he smirked as AIden looked ready to run.

"Go" Scott nodded. Aiden nodded back once before taking off running for the school.
"Hua hua hua hau Oh I hope he gets there in time I like the twins" Void laughed.

"Hey doc you got anything for his mouth" Melissa asked, stepping forward with her arms crossed. As she did this the door opened again and Thomas walked in with Newt behind him. Minho stood on the porch for a moment before walking in as well.

'I sure do" Deaton answers, pulling out a roll of duct tape and sticking a piece to the thousand year old teen.

"AHHHH" Void screamed before snickering. None of the people gathered in the room liked seeing the fox with their friends' faces. All of their thoughts were focused on getting the nogitsune and Stiles separated.

Deaton noticed the dried blood on Stiles's abdomen. "He's healing" He pointed out
"Is that a bad thing?" Thomas asked, kneeling down and looking at the face but not the personality of his brother.

"It means the nogitsune has control Stiles is losing the battle for his mind" Deaton answered. He had Melissa help wrap the spot through the hole in his shirt. Void sat watching them as it was all he could do being paralyzed from the neck down. Thomas stood near Newt watching everything from a distance.

Lydia stood on the other side of the room. SHe knew she needed someone experienced in the supernatural who could help Scott figure out what to do. She did the only thing she could think of, she called Peter.

Melissa was the only one in the room with void rewrapping his abdomen.

"You know I wonder if Scott would want to know what his best friend knows about you" Void remarked. Melissa looked up for a moment.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"Why did your husband really leave, you kicked him out, Stiles wasn't supposed to hear it. But the Sheriff held him as he was on the phone with you oh Stiles he heard everything" Void explained having seen that memory. He knew he could use it to help his case.

Melissa finished wrapping as the doorbell rang. She opened the door so she could get away from the monster with her 'sons' face. Standing on the other side of the door was another former alpha Peter Hale.

Allison woke up that morning with Isaac not next to her. She looked around the room seeing Isaac near the weapons.

He was muttering to himself. "It's all their fault. The twins. They're the reason Boyd's dead, and Erica, my friends, My friends need to be avenged, I'm not going to let those two maniacs run loose" Isaac kept speaking softly.

"Isaac" Allison asked. He looked up for a moment before continuing stuffing weapons into a bag. He walked out of the room telling Allison he was getting revenge for the death of their friends.

Alsion went to get uo but felt something tugg at her ankele. She moved the blankets seeing Isaac handcuffed her to the bed when he got up.

"ISAAC COME BACK" She screamed trying to get his attention but nothing worked.
Ethan was at the school practicing lacrosse with Danny. They had finished practicing and were in the locker rooms. Ethan went to wash his face when another fly picked its target. Landing in the water Ethan was going to use it entered him.

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