Admiral's missive - Week 31

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To all ship (That are still living) - The summer festival will be on hold until the zombie apocalypse has been dealt with.

Admiral Graf Spee - Do not post pictures of the zombie apocalypse on Juustagram or any other social media website. Have you ever heard of government confidentiality?!

Admiral Hipper - Zombies that are attempting to eat you should not make you blush. - Have you been skipping your psychiatry sessions again?

Ajax - You may not keep a pet zombie so it can lick your feet and clean your toes. - On second thought, I'll allow it. Just so we can see how this plan will bite you back in the ass in a literal fashion.

Albacore - We both know that you're trying to preserve zombies within the naval base for future pranks. Please stop hiding them in random places, they're starting to rot.

Akagi - Stop pretending to be a zombie so you can attempt to eat me.

Akashi - I don't know what made you want to research this, but with the startling amount of evidence you have provided us, we have to reluctantly admit that, yes, human zombies are still able to reproduce with each other. On another note, I think this is where I fire you.

Ark Royal - Baiting zombies with candy will not work. - Yes, Ark Royal, Even if they're still children...

Atago - That is not a hickey. That is a zombie bite.

Avrora - I did not need to know that zombies taste like chicken. You need new hobbies.

Ayanami - Replacing all base staff inside the dorms with the undead was not an entertaining prank to pull.

Belfast - I'm placing a warrant on your person. What you did to those zombies was so inhumane that even the brainless undead understood the situation clear enough and ran the hell away from you. - If you do not turn yourself in within 24 hours, we will be forced to sent the rat vanguard after you. They know your scent. They will find you.

Bismarck - Using Karlsruhe as bait during your escape attempt was a cruel and reckless thing to do.

Bremerton - No, you may not slay the undead in my name, for I am the reincarnation of god. I am not the reincarnation of god.

Chapayev - How much does it cost to acquire enough handcuffs for all of the hordes?

Cleveland - drinking yourself into passing out so you can avoid the chaos of this week, that was truly inspiring.

Deutschland - Necrophilia is not to be profited from.

Eldritch - I have created a new position for you. Our safe zone requires voltage on all perimeters. Congratulations, you have been promoted to fence battery.

Empress III - Fire is not the cure-all solution to our problem. Yes, fire is a great tool against crowds of humans, but the only thing worse than a zombie is a zombie that's also on fire.

Enterprise 1 - You are not "Big E, the zombie slugger." Stop listening to your wife and help us capture her.

Enterprise 2 - You are surprisingly quiet now that you're out of rats to play with. Yet I still feel like you're up to something obtuse again, somehow...

Formidable - The "Undead Gala" will have to be rescheduled.

Fuzzball - A zombie apocalypse should not be used as an excuse for vacation.

Azur Lane - The next one who attempts to marry me, gets detention!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum