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(Han Jisung pov)

"So I heard you kissed my little sister." 

Hearing Chan's voice, Jisung froze at his desk where he was trying to finish up some homework and turned around slowly to see him leaning against the door frame, not looking too pleased.

Flashing Chan a sheepish smile, Jisung didn't dare meet his eyes. "Maybe?" 

He heard Chan mumble something incoherent under his breath before walking closer. "Jisung...Do you like her or are you just playing her?" 

Jisung's head snapped up, finally making eye contact. "No I'm not playing her, I promise." He assured, for once in his life completely serious. 

Chan raised an eyebrow, still looking skeptical, and leaned forward with his arms crossed, "So how long have you liked Hae?"

Jisung cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. "A little over a month," He mumbled under his breath. He knew he should have told Chan when he started liking her but he hadn't known how the older would react.

"Are you going to confess?" Chan questioned, making himself comfortable on Jisung's blue comforter, "I mean dude you already kissed her, you might as well confess." 

He flinched at the reminder of the kiss,"Yeah...about that. I was kinda hoping she'd forget it ever happened. I don't think she even likes me back." Jisung chuckled awkwardly, hoping Chan hadn't heard the slight twinge of sadness in his tone at the last part.

Chan got up, crossing the room before slapping Jisung. "Have you lost your mind?" He hissed at the now slightly frightened boy, "Girls don't forget anything. Much less a kiss. You've just left Hae confused about why you did it and its not fair to her if you pretend it never happened."

Jisung knew that. He knew it wasn't fair to her but once again, he was scared. He hadn't had feelings like this for anyone else and the idea of her rejecting him terrified him.

Knowing he had to face Hae eventually, Jisung nodded,"You're right. I'll confess." 

Just the thought of confessing to her made him nervous. His hands were shaking and sweaty, he couldn't stop fiddling with his fingers, and he felt slightly nauseous.

Chan nodded in approval, "Good, I'm sure I'll hear all about it one way or another but I hope it goes well." He sent the younger a warming smile before patting him on the back and walking out of Jisung's room.

Groaning, Jisung leaned back and just stared at the wall for a while, trying to plan how he would confess. 

His dad came in his room later on and after surveying the state of the bedroom whistled, saying, "Son, I hate to break it to you but your mother is not going to appreciate your room looking like it was hit by a category 5 hurricane." 

Jisung snorted, standing up so he could start cleaning, "Yeah I know, I'll get to cleaning it."

Reaching for his phone and headphones, he put his earbuds in and began to clean as he rapped and occasionally sang along to his playlist.

 After about half an hour of cleaning Jisung's room was finally spotless and he hummed in satisfaction as he surveyed his work.

He had impressively cleaned out his closet, his desk actually had space to work on for once, you could actually see his carpet again, and he had gone ahead and opened his curtains so there was actually sunlight.

To say he was proud of himself was an understatement. He almost never cleaned his room unless he was told or had a random 3 am rush of adrenaline so he felt rather accomplished.

Ora walked into his room unannounced and gasped,"Oh my sweet goodness, did you actually clean your room?" 

She was the designated clean freak of their family. Hence the fact that her room was always practically spotless. Ora also was the one who normally cleaned the rest of the house cause it gave her an excuse to listen to music and if it wasn't for her, their family wasn't quite sure how they'd keep the house so clean.

"Yes I did," Jisung rolled his eyes,"Now leave, your presence is making my room dirty again. I worked too hard for you to mess it up." 

Instead of leaving, Ora just walked further into his room and layed down in the middle of the floor, spreading her arms and legs out trying to take up as much space as her 5'3 self could. 

"Ah this is wonderful, did you vacuum too?" She asked, mockingly shocked. 

"Yes, I did actually." Jisung walked over and kicked her lightly, he wasn't about to get in trouble, and grabbed one of her feet. After a failed attempt at dragging her out he layed down next to her and pleaded, "Ora please leave." 

She paused as if to ponder it, humming to herself. "Nope!" She responded gleefully, popping the "p". 

Giving up on trying to convince her to leave, Jisung just continued to lie next to her, neither of them saying anything.

They stayed like that for a while until Ora gently asked,"So when are you gonna confess?" 

"Friday hopefully," He responded,"I need to text Hae and ask if she's free but I wanted to take her somewhere this weekend." 

Ora nodded slightly as if approving,"Yeah she's free but make sure you still ask her. Where are you planning on taking her?" She asked him curiously. Jisung had a feeling she wanted to know so that she could step in and help him plan if needed.

Jisung shrugged,"No clue yet. You have any ideas?"  He looked over to see a devilish smirk on his sister's face.

"Oh yes," Ora said, rubbing her hands together like some sort of cheesy super-villain,"Plenty." 



Fam listen, we're nearing the end of this book and I have mixed feelings about it tbh. 

I have a bunch more book drafts and I'll definitely be back with another book after I finish this one but maybe not for a while since I'm excessively busy during the summer. I'm excited to get to the end of this book and thank you so so much to all my readers!! Ilysm!! 


I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for reading! Ilysm!!

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