im seriously done

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comments like this, make me want to delete my story

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comments like this, make me want to delete my story. to be completely honest, if i get another comment i SWEAR this story will be gone. i don't have the mental strength to take this type of shit and move on. it sticks with me and i think about it every day. this was my second story and yes i know its not good. yes, i know it makes no sense but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. you don't know when something could be someone's last straw and the comments are getting tiring at this point. and im not giving any more warnings about this story being deleted. it will be gone if i get another hate comment. call me weak and every name under the sun but i seriously am EXAUSTED. im already thinking about deleting my stories, changing my username, and all because of this.

and no, i am not ten. i am well over ten.

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