''Is that so?'' The duchess said indifferently.

Her tone annoyes Rosh. She really couldn't care less if the topic is not focused on her dear beloved Josh. Rosh tsk-ed in his mind.

''You better have good scores, Rosh Edward. Don't stoop down low and be more worthy, like your brother.'' The duke said.

His father words made him clench his jaw, despite that, Rosh still managed to smile.

''I will, father.''


Soon after, Rosh proceeded into the library where he would meet Diego again for their lessons. It was an hour after noon which is the time that Rosh finished his morning routines.

Yves opened the door for him and left them as per his request as usual. Rosh went inside and saw Diego who is reading a book.

''Greetings, teacher.'' Rosh politely said. Diego also stood up and bowed lightly.

''Greetings to you too, young master Rosh.''

The both of them looked at each other and snorted. Diego sat back to his chair and fixed the glasses he was wearing since earlier.

''Why hello, teacher?'' Rosh said with his hands on his pockets. He smugly sat in the chair infront of Diego.

Diego sided a glance on him. ''Hmm, you're here.''

''Yes, yes. As you can see, I am. Unfortunately, I'll have to break the fun and stop chitchatting.'' Rosh said as he continuously tapped his index finger on the wooden table.

''It's no fun at all as long as you're here.'' Diego said nonchantly. Rosh evily grinned.

''Did you say something? Teacher.'' He raised his hands as the restraint circle appeared on his palms.

Diego's eyes twitched at the sight of the threat, reminding him of his once torturous experince in the hands of the child infront of him.

''N-nothing.'' Diego stuttered.

Rosh let out a chuckle. How funny. An adult stuttering infront of a kid more or less than ten years younger than him.

''Then, shall we start having the quiz now? I have a bit of an urgent personal business to handle so let's make this quick.'' Rosh directly stated his original purpose.

The adult man made an annoyed face as he sighed.

''As far as I know, I am only restrained, but I am NOT your dog for you to order me around like this. Also, I assume you still have some conscience left to fulfill your promise, no?'' Said Diego.

Rosh chuckled and smirked.

''Of course, I won't forget the most important reason of your abidance to my wishes, teacher.''

Diego gave Rosh the quiz as Rosh started to write down as if he already knew the answers with one look. Inside his mind, the answers just flowed naturally as he remembered the correct solutions to the questions.

Staring at the child, Diego couldn't help but silently sigh. It was a waste. If Rosh wasn't a devil in disguise, he would have had been the perfect student Diego could ever wish for.

In less than 30 minutes, Rosh put his pen down and gave the quiz paper back to Diego.

''Finished.'' Rosh said with a smug tone.

Diego took the questionaire and checked the keys. Narrowing his eyes, Diego took off his glasses and looked at Rosh.

''How is it, teacher?''

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