"Yeah, let me just get changed. Wait, before you go, is it alright if I ask Tiana, Elijah's girlfriend to come?" Naomi suggested wanting to kill two birds with one stone

"Yeah! That'll be good I feel like I don't even know her and she's my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend"

"Okay I'll text you my address, then we can walk to the gym"

"Alright, see you in an hour"


Naomi ended the call, walking to Tiana's room next door.

"Hey" Tiana said looking up from her laptop, noticing Naomi stood in the door way. She hadn't seen Naomi since she told Theo to come over to their house. By now she thought she would get an update from Elijah, or at least hear Naomi talking to Theo through the wall, but she got nothing. No information, it was as if she got the entire situation all wrong and Naomi and Theo weren't a thing anymore. Well, unless they were keeping things a secret this year?

"Hey, I'm going gym in a bit with Aimee, you know Ollie's girlfriend. I was wondering if you wanted to tag along?"

"Yeah that would be good, nice to get to know Ollie's girlfriend"

"Okay great, we're leaving in about an hour" Naomi explained, leaving Tiana's room to go back into her own to get ready.

Around an hour later, the three girls were on their way to the gym.

"So what exactly happened for this impromptu gym session?" Tiana asked, pushing the gym door open

"Well Naomi here, thinks she's gain weight and wants to lose some before Halloween since we're now apart of the fashion society and this years theme for us is Victoria secret angels" Aimee explained, following after Tiana to the changing rooms

"I don't think I've gained weight, I literally can see it" Naomi protested looking at her body in the gym changing room mirror

"Oh shut up Naomi you look great and I can't believe you guys joined the fashion society, that sounds so fun"

"You should join as well. It would also give you guys more time to get to know each other, since you know, your boyfriends are best friends" Naomi suggested

"Oh shit yeah, I'll do it right now! And I know why haven't we thought to hang out before" Tiana said as she got her phone out to join the society

"I don't even know but we get along so well. It's not even like if we hung out plus the boys there would be a big group of us, it would literally but us two, Ollie, and Elijah...Oh and don't forget Theo"

"Oh yeah Theo third wheeling" Tiana laughed

Naomi was finished getting changed, and locked up her stuff. She took this as an opportunity to walk off towards the treadmills, wanting to start her workout to avoid hearing about Theo. She was here so she wasn't stuck in her room having a mental debate with herself on whether to call Theo. To call him over to... well to do anything at this point, smoke, hang out, have sex or even talk.

A talk she wasn't ready for but she wanted to see him. She would sound like the most complicated bitch to anyone who heard her situation right now, but it was only because she didn't know how to express her feelings and she ran away from a lot of stuff. She was avoiding the reality of her wanting Theo but not enough for her to fully let him be in her life, because she still didn't trust him. She just couldn't, she was too used to boys telling her everything she wanted to hear and then tearing her down and Theo had already teared her down once, before he even told her he liked her so who was to say he wouldn't do worse if she opened up to him. She wanted time, time to actually get to know him before she made her decision to trust him. But with uni and the fact that they had sex everytime they saw each other wasn't helping.

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