"Jimin," Jungkook whispered and he felt his breath tickling his neck. 
His voice, though low, sounded strained while Jimin didn't move a single muscles. There was only the heavy heaving of his chest as he kept his gaze on the little make-shift kitchen in front of him. He was glad he hadn't turned in the direction of the bed, because he was already close to loosing his friggin mind.
"Jimin," Jungkook repeated and it felt like he had leaned down a little, his voice closer to his ear. 

"Tell me you wont freak out if I touch you."

He almost let a little helpless laugh escape him, because Jungkook wasn't even doing anything and he was freaking out already. 

There was a deep sigh from the boy behind him. 
"Then tell me to leave and I will."
Those were the things that left his mouth when he wasn't thinking. And the things which always got him in situation where he had no fucking idea what to do next. Tell him to stay? Offer him stupid water again? 

"Then what do you want me to do?" 

"I... I don't know," he finally admitted after a long silence, his voice trembling with too many emotions running through him simultaneously. 

Jungkook took half a step closer and the ghost of the touch of his broad chest against his back had him gasp. He was so damn tall! 
His lips must be directly below his ear now, his next words a rumble and damn him because he wasn't able to hold in that small second gasp. 

"Then let me show you. One word, Jimin. One word from you and I'll stop, I promise."

Oh, Jesus Christ in friggin Heaven! He was hot and cold all over, shivering like he was standing naked in the snow one second and in molten lava the next. This was taking on ridiculous proportions. 
"Tell me you understand." 

Jimin sucked in a sharp breath then. Because he made the realization that Jungkook really wasn't going to touch him. Not until Jimin gave him verbal permission. And that was probably the thing that shattered all his doubts and fears for a blinding moment.

"I understand," he breathed, nothing more than a whisper in the wind. 
"Good," came Junkooks relieved and yet shuddery answer.
"Close your eyes, baby."
Oh...oh holy molly...
"C-close my eyes?" Jimin couldn't help but repeat in his confusion, trying not to totally loose it because Jungkook had used THAT word again.
Jungkook usually wanted him to keep his eyes up and not look away and now he was asking him to do the opposite?

"Yes. Close them. I don't want you to think. Just feel."
When Jimin just kept standing there wide eyed, Jungkook closed that last space and his lips brushed against Jimin's ear.
"Trust me, Jimin-ah. Close your eyes."
And then Jimin did. Not because of his words, but because Jungkook had taken his earlobe between his lips and then sucked, Jimin's mind going blank and his eyes fluttering shut as a  surprised hiccup shot out of him.
Jungkook sucked a little harder, then drew away with a plop sound as his ear was released again.

"See? It's not that hard."
And damn him if he didn't sound like one smug bastard.
But Jimin had no time to be mad at him. Jungkook didn't allow him to keep thinking  for a second more  shattering his thoughts once more as he lowered his head again, this time to his neck.

But the touch of his lips didn't immediately come. Instead he hovered just over the right side of his neck, inches from his skin.
He was bombarded with the memory of how it had felt when Jungkook had kissed them there in the practice room and the shaking of his body was the anticipation to feel it again. Because there had been nothing comparable and he wanted it!

And then that little, devilishly self-satisfied bastard had the audacity to let out a chuckle, the breath on his neck like a thousand little teasing pins, making him shiver again.
"I think that's my favorite thing in the world. To know I don't even have to really touch you and you already want me."

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