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The sun sparkled through darkening clouds overhead, casting light onto the trees of the nature park we had just landed in that reside outside the bustling city. I leaned against a thick oak tree, quietly listening to the Christmas music coming from somewhere inside the bustling city. About 10 feet away, Iggy was busy tucking Future's brown wings in to hide them before we all entered the city. He passed Future to Max once he has finished the task, watching carefully with wide, curious eyes as she took Angel's hand. Fang flattened Nudge's hair as she spoke rapidly about a new dress she had seen in the next city over we had come from, and Gazzy bounded over to Iggy and gestured widely as he talked. Freezing wind blew through my ginger hair, whipping me in the face in the process. I tucked a strand behind my ear in annoyance, biting the inside of my lip absently.

Max had spoken firmly when I had gotten to the cave again, telling us exactly what was going to happen. We're going to try to stick out the end of winter with Citrus' family, but as soon as it's warmer we're going to go on the run again. If anyone comes looking for us sooner than that, we'll bolt. The older kids are going to try to get part-time jobs to help with supplies. I was fine with the idea, because it at least meant we got to have a proper Christmas for once. Actually, I was extremely happy. I felt my cheeks flush slightly with happiness, tilting my head to the snow laying on the ground. I loved Christmas, and Winter in general, although Autumn was my favorite season. I loved Christmas because it always made my family more cheery, even if we never had proper a Christmas at our house.

I slowly stood upright, shoving my hands in the pockets of Iggy's jumper as I walked over to the flock. "Are we ready to go?" Max asked. Everyone seemed to nod, or chorus a few agreeing words. Iggy turned to me and offered his hand. I frowned, stepping back a little. The hurt on his face made me feel bad. "You don't need me now, you can see." I said shortly, quickly striding to keep up with the group. I didn't realize it affected me quite as much until I had said it. He wouldn't need to hold my hand anymore, the way we had done for years. I had basically lost any excuse I had left to touch him, and I guess that was a good thing. It would get me to my goal faster.

I watched as Iggy jogged past me to talk to Fang and Gazzy, so I slowed down my pace. I studied the busy city, breathing in the cold, crisp air. I couldn't describe exactly what it was, but something smelt Christmassy. All the shops had sales on, and were decorated in sparkly lights. There were stalls open selling things like gingerbread, cinnamon rolls and other foods. I bit back whatever emotion wanted to spill out of me when I realized how much I wanted to be holding Iggy's hand as we walked, talking about what was around us. It was enough for me to stop in my place and grip my own jumper so hard I felt a shooting ache up my hands and arms.

I slowly began to walk again, only to realize my flock was nowhere to be seen. How long had I been standing there? I had no idea. I knew exactly where my mother's house was, so I turned in the opposite direction and began jogging down the street, before entering into a smaller main street, humming along to the various songs that were played in different shops. I was about to turn down another street when a stall caught my eye. It seemed to hold a machine behind it with a strange dip in the middle. I had never seen one before, but it didn't look like a scary machine the white coats would have, so I approached (with caution). "Hello, dear." A woman said with a smile, closing a container full of strangely orange sugar.

"Hi... I was wondering what that machine is." I said softly, putting my hands in my pockets and shivering. "It's a candy floss machine." The woman chuckled, patting the top of the machine. "Or cotton candy, whatever you prefer." I was a bit confused. "Forgive me if this sounds weird, but what's candy floss?" I asked slowly. The woman frowned a little, before chuckling. "I've never met someone who doesn't know what candy floss is. It's a fluffy candy that's basically pure sugar that's usually put on a stick or in a tub, they look like clouds." She explained.

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