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I opened my eyes to the sight of rubble and ash, a thick cloudy chemical-filled smoke floating through the air. I wasn't sure why I was back there, or if this was just a dream or something else. Then I heard crying coming from myself. I was so confused, because I hadn't cried while being directly in the rubble... I hadn't been in a cage either. But here I was, stuck in a glass-box-like cage that seemed to be battered and covered in ash. I looked down, and realized this wasn't me. My eyes widened slightly, staring at the unusually pale arms. I recognized that skin tone. It was the girl I had seen in the School. Panic set in. Was this a dream? A vision? Me seeing the past? Present? Future? What was happening...

The girl sobbed again, wrapping her wings around her body tightly. She crawled to one side of the glass box, staring through to another glass box that seemed more battered than the one she was in. She sounded so young and scared. There was nothing around her, no signs any other kids had been with her. This small, sweet little Avian girl was stuck in a glass box with no way out. I knew I was injured, and I knew I probably wouldn't be fit to fly anywhere when I woke up, but this poor little girl was still alive and alone in the middle of rubble I had created. To hell with my injuries. I'm going after her. I thought as I dragged myself out of the dream.

I sat straight up before I had even fully registered I was awake, making Iggy flinch. "Cee? Cee, lie down." Iggy demanded, pulling my unhurt arm slightly. "No." I gasped, freeing myself of his grasp. "Dream. Not bad, vision-like. The girl... The one I saw- she's still alive, Iggy." I said through gasps, catching the attention of the rest of my family. "...how do you know it wasn't just a dream?" He asked slowly, pulling me back into his chest. "I don't want to take the chance, Iggy." I whispered, looking up at his conflicted face that remained bandaged. He tilted his head down slightly, like he would be looking at me if his eyes were functioning. "Cee, it's basically impossible. That's whole building collapsed and it's been over 12 hours since you passed out." He whispered softly, running his hand through my hair. I felt my heart sink, guilt spreading through me starting from my heart. I must've been trembling or something, because Iggy wrapped his other arm around my waist tighter, glancing to Nudge who sat a small distance away, fiddling with my necklace. She seemed to be trying to fix the clasp, but I doubted it was possible.

"You're still hurt." Fang said firmly from where he sat across the cave, staring out into the darkening sky. "Your back is getting better already, but your arm is pretty messed up. What happened to it? It was like someone dug something in there." He questioned me, and I winced sheepishly. "Er... Did it to myself. I think I went a bit too deep, I was trying to get the device they put in my arm out but I was disoriented." I admitted, resisting the urge to melt into Iggy's arm. I'm going to get up. I'm going to get up, I'm going to be fine and I'm going to go get that little girl. I thought, leaning forward as far as I could go without Iggy's arm stopping me. "It's freezing out there, Cee." Nudge said softly, noticing the stance I had taken. "You'll get sick, and you're already hurt." Gazzy added on, bright blue eyes watching me from beside an unlit fire.

"Exactly, it's also probably even colder out there stuck in a glass box, alone as a little girl!" I protested, pulling Iggy's arm away sharply but not too harshly. "You know you can't stop me. I created this mess, probably killed a bunch of kids in the process. I... I need to at least see if she's still there. I can't just go on with my day, with my life knowing I could've left a defenseless child to freeze." I stood up and forced myself to ignore the horrible pain in my back. Max quickly moved to the cave entrance, blocking me from leaving with her large wings.

"Citrus, no. That explosion was massive, you didn't see it the way we did because you were in it. There is no possible way she could have survived, I'm sorry, but it's true. She couldn't have survived the explosion, the whole building falling down, the smoke and then the cold for the past 14 hours." Max said sternly. I don't know what took a hold of me, if it was just from stress, if it was relief that we were all alive, if it was anger because of what I had created, or some other foreign emotion I had no idea. I stepped back as I felt heat build behind my eyes and spill down my cheeks, bringing one of the heels of my hand up to wipe them away quickly. Not fast enough, though.

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