"Thanks," She finally managed to say awkwardly, looking everywhere but him. She didn't know if she could ever look him in the eyes again, not after he said that. He had to be lying - there was no way he could find her eyes beautiful, could he?

As if he knew what she were thinking, Jason gave her a small smile and reached to move her hair back behind her back, sending chills down her spine as his hand brushed against her scalp, tingling lightly. "I'm not lying, by the way," he reassured, pulling back with a small blush across his cheeks. "there's just something about them."

A small silence settled over the two. Both demigods fell lost in their thoughts, trying desperately to fight the blushes that fought to burn their cheeks. Aza didn't think she had ever been complimented on her eyes like that before; she had only been told that they were nightmarish - that she was a nightmare for having them.

Neither demigod got to say anything more, because a sudden mop of brown hair popped up, and Leo gave them both a dazzling grin. "Aza, I'm glad you're okay!" Leo cheered, sauntering closer and crouching near her. "I thought I was gonna have to be scraping little

pieces of you off the floor!"

"Lovely image, Leo," Aza rolled her eyes. "How's Piper?"

Leo grimaced. "That's what I'm here for," he turned to Jason. "I set her foot - or, well, I tried my best. I'm gonna go scout around for Festus; I think he fell outside the warehouse somewhere. If I can find him, maybe I can figure out what happened and fix him."

Jason hesitated. "You shouldn't go alone, Leo." The boy merely shrugged, reaching into a toolbelt around his waist and pulling out a flashlight. "I'll be fine. You guys go meet up with Piper and don't run off without me."

Aza couldn't even protest before the boy scurried off, his hair flopping wildly. Aza sighed, shaking her head. "He shouldn't go alone. You stay with Piper, I'll go find him."

She began to awkwardly clamber to her feet, wheezing heavily. A sharp pain shot up her spine, causing her muscles to twitch and spasm, but she forced herself to ignore the pain and the dull ache that beat like a drum. Jason instantly swooped down, wrapping one arm under her armpits and one arm under her knees and lifting her quickly.

The daughter of Phobos let out a startled squeak, accidentally banging her head against Jason's chin as she whipped her head to look at him. "Wha-"

He placed her gently on her feet, stepping back with a satisfied smile. "If you tried to get up by yourself you'd hurt yourself more."

Aza rolled her eyes and cracked her kneck, gently shaking out her legs. They felt like jello, and part of her wondered if she'd collapse at any moment.

Jason noticed, looking at her with concern. "I'm not sure you're in any position to be helping out Leo. Why don't you come with me and keep an eye on Piper. We might have to fix whatever brace Leo made for her, after all."

Aza hesitated, glancing back in the direction Leo had run off; it didn't feel right to leave one person alone. Jason seemingly sensed this and placed a reassuring hand on her good shoulder, squeezing it gently and giving her a small smile.

"Come on, Aza, you're injured. I'll make you a deal; if we hear anything strange or if you think Leo's in trouble, you can go check it out."

Aza nodded; that sounded reasonable enough. She allowed Jason to wrap his arm under her good arm, helping her walk seeing as her body was still screaming in pain, just slightly less loud after having some of the nectar.

The two sat wandered towards where Piper had landed. The girl was now propped up against the wall, her foot bandaged in a makeshift splint. Leo had tried his best, Aza was sure, but it didn't mean he did well.

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