Of course he can make paper planes.

He motions for me to open the window, and I oblige. Then carefully he aims the plane for my window, it thankfully lands on my hallway carpet.

"I didn't expect that to work" he chuckles from the other side, closing the window before I get to answer.

"dork" I mumble, opening the airplane note.

Hi Vena :)
That's all I wanted to say.

~ mark (that's not my real name I totally tricked you ha L)

a/n: dw guys his real name's actually noel  /hj
(reference from the best fanfic ever to exist, clout queen by softnuage )

Indecisive Oreo
did you get my note? :)

Vena :)
It appears I did

Indecisive Oreo
Markiplier's so jealous of me rn B)
I really yoinked his name like that

Vena :)
Did you really just bring me
back to my Markiplier phase?
Next thing you know I'll be
shipping Dan and Phil

Indecisive Oreo
Oh god.
What have I done.

Vena :)
Open the window again :D

I quicky grab a sticky note, scribbling down something and giggling to myself.

We're really having a Taylor Swift moment rn
*insert clip of 'you belong with me' music video*
~ Luvena <3

I couldn't make a paper airplane for the life of me, so I ended up crumbling the sticky note into a ball, throwing it over to his side, and quickly closing the window.

Indecisive Oreo
She 🙈 wears short 🤙 skirts

Vena :)
I wear 💯 tee-shirts 😎

Indecisive Oreo
She's 😍 cheer 🦀 captain

Vena :)
And 😡 im 🔪 on 💞 the 😕 bleachers
I was on the school bleachers when we met !

Indecisive Oreo
Oh my gosh you're right-


I woke up the next morning dreading school.
Keira would be there, probably spreading talk, lots of it.

Indecisive Oreo
Back to school today? :(

Vena :)
Sadly :(

Indecisive Oreo
Wanna have breakfast here? :D
Please :D

Vena :)
If my parents aren't too suspicious
And Ollie's fine with it
I'd love to :)

Indecisive Oreo
Ollie says;
"my wife can come over anytime she pleases"

Vena :)
Aw :')
I'll be over in 20 minutes

Indecisive Oreo
You can just walk in through the back,
nobody knocks anymore.
Scares us half to death every time-
But it's cool 😃🤙

Vena :)
I feel like there's a backstory to this...
but I'll see you in 20 minutes :)


My mood lightened slightly, at least I would get a crumb of joy before a day that was bound to be miserable. I quickly got ready, grabbing an apple as I made my way through the kitchen.

"why in such a rush?" Mom raised an eyebrow.

a/n: 'yo bro why you in such a big-time rush?" OH OH OHOHOOHHHHHHHHHH

"im going over to a friends before school" I explain subtly.


I cringe at her name, "um no—Ollie's actually"

"does she even go to school?" Dad interjects, "I never see her leave her house"

"She does it online"

"is she smart?"

"she recites definitions to different types of physics" I left out the part where she only did that when smoking pot.

"interesting—alright have a nice day at school" Mom nods, still looking suspicious.


I cut through my backyard like usual, and go to the back door of Ollie's house, which was unlocked like Ranboo said. And I hear the ringing of Alex's voice through the house the second I step in,

"Iris y yo somos superiores a todos ustedes perdedores, chúpalo chico verde!"

"Solo escucho hechos" Iris adds,

"Welcome to our daily Spanish lesson with Alex and Iris" Wilbur notices my presence first,

"Hola Vee!" Iris smiles,

"hola?" I chuckle, "soy Dora?"

Alex claps, "Muy bueno vee!"

"Yay!" I grin, sitting down next to Ranboo, "anyone want this apple?"

"I'll have it!" Tubbo raises his hand, and I toss it over.

"Vee you want a cinnamon roll?" Ranboo offers, pointing to a plate of pastries.

"yes please!" I smile kindly.

"look at us, we're like a happy little family eating breakfast together" Ollie laughs.

"this is the weirdest f*cking family I've ever seen" Tommy scoffs,

"Brady Bunch lookin asses" Dream scoffs, I smile and watch as the group bickers over which family we would be.

"Good luck Charlie, but without Amy, cancel Amy" Ollie suggests,

"What about 'Jessie'? we have multiple children to take care off" Iris chuckles,

"Did any of the children ever get mugged in an alleyway?" Ranboo contributes,

"That'd be a traumatic episode"

"how's your hand Ollie?" I ask,

"spiffy" she held it up, covered in a bandage,"stitches hurt"

"jeez yesterday was like a whole fever dream..." Ranboo reminisces,

Ollie agrees, "it's not every day you get shanked in an alleyway by your ex-girlfriend"

Wilbur instantly spit out his coffee back into the mug he was holding,


a/n: help i'm literally doing a state test rn what

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