Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Atticus's POV

A/N- TW: Mention of blood/injury
~Shorter Chapter~

I had been walking beside the vampire and Becca before, and then one misstep in the wrong direction, and the bad vampires had me.

They tied me up, took my weapons, made fake scent trails, all while the girl explained her plan. 
She gave no name, but apparently, she had found out about our world and has been time-travelling through each major shadowhunter time period.
De Quincey was the first villain she successfully portalled back, and she had planned to go back into the 1800s, but Luke had found her device and it messed up her plans completely.

And now I got Rebecca, and two good vampires captured.
And it was clear from De Quincy that we wouldn't make it out alive.


Airy ran through the Dumort, trying to find someone after realising that it was a false trail.
Their scent clashed with Roxy's, and they embraced her.

"Where are the others?" Roxy asks. "I can't pick up their scents."

Airy shakes their head.
"I can't find them either. But I overheard that some vamps and they all know we're here."

Roxy pales.

"We have to get some other help," Airy pleads. "They could be in danger."
Roxy nods.

The two of them speed out of the Dumort, and towards the New York Institute.


"Atticus?" Rebecca's voice asks.

The captors took away my witchlight, but I knew Becca had been stabbed. The blood stench was probably driving the good vamps crazy.

"I'm right here," I reply. "Are you feeling better?"
"I think so," Becca says, lying. "The wound will just need an iratze."
"You don't have to lie," another voice says. "We can all smell the blood."

I turn my head at the sound.
It was a girl who'd been here before me, though she hadn't said a word until now.

"I'm just not trying to picture it," one of the vamps reply. "Werewolf."
The girl-werewolf-i don't know snarls at the vamp and the vamp hisses in response.  
"Just shut up please!" The other vamp says. "Phe, I know you're thirsty, Rebecca, I know you are in pain, and werewolf-"

"Harmony," the wolf replies, interrupting the vamp. 

"And Harmony, I know you're sick of being here, but unless we can do anything about it, we have to not try to destroy each other verbally."
"Thanks, Meg," Rebecca whispers.
"Anytime," She replies.

The sound of footsteps echo as they come closer, and all of us freeze.

"Ah, isn't this touching," De Quincey says. "If only we didn't have to kill you."
"You don't have to go through with this!" Phe snarls.  "There are two vamps and two shadowhunters. Let the others go!"
"I don't think so," He replies. "What if one's blood doesn't work? We need the extras!"

"You don't even have a faerie!" Becca shouts.

De Quincey hisses at her, but the door opens.
"Ignore her, sir. I found the faerie we need."

The mysterious girl locks another one up and disappears.

"Who are you?" the faerie's voice asks. It's laced with fear.
"We're also kidnapped," Harmony says. "But none of us are fae."
The faerie sighs.

"I might get this out of the way. My name is Rue Claireson. I am the daughter of Claire and Carolina."
"Claireson?" I ask, confused. "But doesn't that mean-"
Rue cuts me off.
"I was born biologically male, yes. Am I male, no. I have always been female."

Phe whistles. 
"Preach girlfriend, preach."

Everyone repeats their name again in a bored tone.

"We need to get out of here somehow," Meg mutters. "But how?"


Roxy and Airy glide down the street, smelling others with angel blood running through their veins.
They come across a girl with a golden blade, a boy with headphones, and a girl with a bow and arrows, who looks similar to Rebecca.

Airy sped closest, and the blonde whips out her sword and prepared to attack.

"Who's here?" Eleanor snarls.
John holds up his sabres.

"I've come to make a peace offering," Airy says.
Roxy speeds up behind them.
"We've just escaped the Dumort with our lives."

"What's up with the Hotel?" Georgia asks.
"Someone time-travelled an old evil vampire and he's kidnapped Rebecca and Atticus, along with our family members." Airy replies.

John gasps.
"Are you lying?" Eleanor asks.

"Why would I lie?" Airy's eyes look watery.

A startled pair of voices come closer, and the group of five turns. 
Zach runs up with Clary, Val, Jem, Tessa, Alec, Rafe and Magnus.

Magnus has his hands up, blue magic pouring off of them.
"Stop right there."

Not your MundaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora