Part 17

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It's the night of the Christmas Eve party and I have just finished getting ready. (Outfit above.) I fix my hair and then look at Logan in a suit and he turns with a smirk, "like what you see?" I send him a wink, "you have no idea. So tell me how I should handle your Nana?" He shakes his head, "she isn't a snob if that's what you're thinking. She doesn't like my dad and she didn't come to the wedding because it was too flashy. She doesn't like posh stuck up people so be normal. Relax she'll love you. Josh was too formal the first time they met." I nod, "got it, now come here you, when will you learn to tie a tie." He walks up to me and I fix it for him and he says, "never as long as I have you." I give him a kiss, "let's get a move on then."

When we walk out the party is already in full swing. I see Shira's Trophy wife friends and Mitchem's business ones. Then I see a lady I don't know and Logan walks me up to her, "Nana this is Chris, Chris this is Nana." I wave, "it's nice to meet you." She looks me up and down, "I hope to be able to say the same. Logan be a dear and grab me a beer." He nods, "sure thing Nana, Chris?" I shrug, "just get me a cider." As he leaves his Nana asks, "not a wine girl?" I shrug, "depends on who I'm with, with this type of crowd I might need something stronger later on." She looks around then asks, "not your scene?" One of the lady's smile and waves at me I put on a smile and wave back as I say, "not one bit. Too fake for me.

She shrugs, "You seem good at it." I laugh, "not by choice, just have seven years of doing it." She raises an eyebrow, "only seven?" I nod, "I was raised away from it because my mom took me and my sister away from it all and to a small town." Logan comes back with the drinks, "you guys good." She looks me up and down before saying, "she's okay. Better then that girl your mother tried to set you up with. Now she was a gold-digging snob if I ever saw one. You can call me Nana if you would like sweets." I smile, "I would like that."

Soon it was time for dinner and I was in-between Logan and one of Shira's friends. One of the ladies at the table asks, "So Logan how long do we have to wait for the next Huntzberger wedding? They are always so gracious and elegant." Logan looks lost for words so I jump in, "we decided before even thinking about that I should graduate." Mitchum nods, "I think that is an amazing idea. No need to rush you are only young." Shira laughs, "they have been together a long time so we shouldn't have long to wait. Oh, I just know the perfect person to do the dress and cake." Logan then says, "mom I've already told you when we get married the final decision will be up to us." Shira nods, "of course, a toast to Logan and Chris." We all cheers and Logan give me a kiss and then we all continue to eat.

As everyone is leaving Nana walks up to me and Logan, "now Sweets, don't let my daughter take control of your future wedding. It's gonna be your day not hers, okay?" I nod, "okay, I promise I'm not a push over." Logan laughs, "yeah, she's right on that front." Nana smirks, "I look forward to seeing that. Well goodnight." She gives Logan a hug and kiss and me and hug and kiss on the cheek. As she says goodbye to everyone else she gives Mitchum and Josh handshakes and the rest hugs.

When she leaves Honour asks, "you got a hug? How did you manage that?" I shrug, "I was just myself, I never realised how tiring that was to do. I'm going to bed." Logan nods, "yeah me too, night guys." When we get in bed Logan says, "when we do plan it, I'll back you all the way." I laugh and give him a kiss, "You have to ask first Charming." I give him a wink before turning the lights out. 

A/N: I mean how could anyone hate Chris? This just shows no one can. Anyway I mostly made this to show not all of Logan's family are snobs and that there might be some creative differences when it comes to wedding planning. I am so looking forward to writing that!!

Xoxo Maddie.

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