Part 13

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Tonight was our night out and both Logan and Ryan got off work for tonight. I had just finished getting ready and Logan comes in and hugs me from behind, "are you sure you want to go out still? We can have a night in." He smirks as his kiss my neck. (Outfit above.) I pull away and laugh, "come on, we haven't gone out with this lot in forever. Even Finn and Colin are coming back for this." He sighs, "fine. Come on the car should be outside." He offers me his arm and we walk out to the car.

We meet up with the others outside one of the clubs and I basically jump on Finn and Colin and Finn laughs, "Christy, as much as I love you I believe you have a boyfriend now." I laugh and pull back, "sorry, I just missed you two so much!" Colin smiles, "we missed you too Tina. Come on let's get drunk!" We all cheer as we show our IDs and get in. I head straight to the dance floor with Noah and Rachel and the boys went to get drinks. As we were dancing I see a girl looking at Noah, "hey Happy Feet! 10 o'clock." I nod over to the girl and when he looks he shakes his head, "I'm not ready." Rachel scoffs, "oh come on, it's been ages and it's called a rebound for a reason." Noah looks back over to the girl and smiles slightly, "what the hell. I'll be back." I send him a wink, "take your time."

The boys soon came back with the drinks and Ryan asked, "where's Noah?" I nod over to him and the girl and say, "busy." Logan laughs, "good on him." As we were dancing my phone rings, "hello?" I hear my sister on the other side, "hey Chris, have you seen Ryan he's not answering." "Yeah, we're at a club, don't worry he's being a loyal pup. Got to go though, have a good night." I kiss into the phone and hang up. Ryan asks, "what was that?" I roll my eyes, "Rory, you didn't answer the phone." His eyes widen, "I'll be back." He leaves to call her outside.

Rachel scoffs, "trust your sister to ruin a good night without even being here." Finn laughs, "good to see nothing changes really." I nod, "you're telling me. Rach do you even remember the reason you don't like her." She nods looking smug, "she's a spoilt self-centered brat. Has been since I met her." I groan, "I give up." I lean against Logan and he asks, "another drink?" I nod, "shots. We all need them, we'll find a table." He nods and leaves as the rest of us make it to a table.

After God knows how many shots me and Rachel were standing on said table singing at the tops of our lungs laugh as we do so. I think Noah left, so did Ryan so he could be with Rory. Finn was looking at us amused and Logan and Colin were trying to get us down. Once we finally get down Rachel laughs, "that really is fun." I nod as a fall into Logan, "I know right." Logan sighs, "one day you will break your neck you know?" I give him a lop sided smile, "good thing you'll always be there to catch me then." He tried to stop himself from smiling as he says, "so not the point." I give him a kiss and then shout out, "let's dance!" I stumble as I get up and drag Logan with me as he holds me up and we dance.

As Logan we paying the bill I was laying on Finn's shoulder and a guy in a leather jacket walks up to us and says looking at me and Rachel, "you girls got pipes from what I saw earlier. Call me if you want a manger." I shake my head thinking of Noah, "have one thanks." He looks at us and says, "Not a good one if your not famous yet. Just keep the card and make a choice when sober. Have a good night kids." He sends us a wink and hands us both a card. As he leaves Logan returns, "we all good?" I nod throw my self at Logan and lay on him instead as Colin explains what happened. As we leave Finn says, "On the positive side Colin didn't buy the club." Colin looks at all of us, "well..." Rachel weakly slaps his arm, "stupid. Let's get home." He nods, "yeah, my drivers here see you later guys." Finn then left in a taxi and we got in our car and the driver drove us home. I like the sound of that, home.

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