Part 6

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I was in the textile room in Yale making some of my orders when my phone rings, "Queenie, we brought the company." I gasp and take my foot off the pedal, "OMG, Logan that is amazing." "I know, I mean we were just meant to have breakfast and the next we know, we're sitting there with lawyers going over contracts." I squeal, "I am so proud of you Charming! Tell the guys and Bobby congrats. We still on for tonight." "Hell yeah! It's a party now Queenie, see you tonight. I love you." I smile, "I love you too, I am so proud. Bye."

I got ready and Logan came and picked me up. (Outfit above.) We walk into the restaurant and see Nick, Phillip, Bobby, Ryan and a very shocked and awkward looking twin of mine. Logan hands the door man the coats and we walk over to the table and I say, "you can all relax now the party has arrived let's order." They all stand I give everyone a hug and as I sit Bobby says, "God have I missed you Chris, we need to go shopping the next time one of us is in town." I nod, "totally and then you can meet Rachel and Noah." She smiles, "totally. So food." I nod, "God yes." Phillip says, "I told you I'm not the only one that could eat, this girl here eats way more then me." I gasp, "Phillip now, no need to put yourself down I have had years of training." Everyone laughs as I wink except my sister who just smiles slightly.

They were telling us the story of the breakfast and Ryan says, "it was the way he kept saying 'intellectual property.' Each time he said it I could feel the whole deal slipping through my fingers." Phillip nods, "he was like, 'intellectual property' 'intellectual property.'" Logan nods, "which is like, my property, my property." Bobby continues on, "I invented it. I invented it." Ryan nods, "and it's slipping, slipping." I was nodding along and Rory looked board and Phillip says, "and I'm looking at Nick trying to convey through subtle dilations of my pupils that we simply cannot offer any more money." I laugh, "and I'm sure that look not weird at all."

Nick laughs, "I look at Phillip who's looking at me like he's hopped on some sort of methamphetamine." I laugh, "God do I need to see that." Logan smirks and says, "it was slipping, slipping, and it looks like we lost them and then Bobby." Phillip nods, "Bobby makes a bold choice." I shake my head, "naturally." Bobby gives me a playful glare and Nick asks, "what does she do?" I could tell Rory was getting jealous of Bobby and Ryan says, "she just stands up." Rory nods slowly, "wow." Ryan continues, "she just stands up like she can't take it anymore and she says, 'meeting's over, boys.'" Rory shrugs, "that must have been crazy." Nick says, "It was amazing. I'm sitting here, and she's here, and she stands up. And I look over and all I see is legs, legs, legs and then, this look on her face like, oh no. It was brilliant. Do it, Bobby. Stand up."

Bobby says, "knock it off." The boys all say, "come on Bobby." I nod and give her puppy dog eyes, "please I really want to see it." She sighs, "fine, but all because you asked. I suppose it was something like, um..." She stands up dramatically and turns back to us and says, "meeting's over boys." We all clap and I say, "I bow to thee drama Queen." Bobby laughs, "says you." By the end of dinner I think Rory decided she didn't like Bobby. On the way home in the car Logan asked, "so what was wrong with your sister she seemed really down?" I laugh, "you are so blind Charming, she was jealous of Bobby. I'm not sure that she knew Bobby was a girl." Logan laughs, "Ryan didn't tell her? He has a death wish sometimes. Now come on let's go home and enjoy what we have left of tonight."

A/N: I hope you liked the Logan time I gave you how Chris gets along really well with Logan's work friends. Tell me what you want to see happen between them next I'm open to anything the sky's the limit.

Xoxo Maddie.

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