Part 18

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I was in bed with Logan when Honour comes charging in, "will you get out of bed! You know mom and dad make me wait for everyone before opening presents!" Logan laughs and I try to wake myself up Logan then says, "we'll be out in a minute." She leaves in a huff and I mumble, "morning." He kisses my ear, "your cute when you've just woken up. Come on the presents await." I get up following Logan slowly still not fully awake.

As we walk in I see the presents under the tree and Josh laughs at me, "morning sleep beauty." I pout, "no need to be rude." We sit down and Honour says, "now can I open them?" Mitchum nods yawning and she pick the one I got her, "that's from me." She opens it and gasps, "is this a Christina Gilmore original." She hold up a blue dress I had been working on for her, "yep." She gives me a hug, "I love it." After she opened the rest of hers it was Logan's turn and he asks, "what ones from you." I point it out and he opens it, "I love them." I made him a load of open when letters, and his favorite aftershave. Honour rolls her eyes, "you are too good at gift giving." |

It was then my turn to open my presents. I opened Shira and Mitchum's first and they got me some Channel perfume, Honour got me a Louis Vuitton bag and a H+C keychain. Then finally I was given Logan's gift and opened it and hugged him, "I love it thank you so much." He had gotten me a necklace and my favorite snacks. After the present opening was done we all left to get dressed for the day. (Outfit above.) When I got back to the living room I see the fire blazing and Logan and Honor drinking hot chocolate. I sit next to Logan and ask, "where's everyone else." He shrugs and Honor says, "well Josh is on a call with his family, and mom is in the kitchen making sure the staff to their job, then dad's most likely in his office." I frown, "on Christmas?" Logan shrugs, "same as every year, speaking of grab your coat we usually do our own thing till lunch."

After they finished their hot chocolate we said goodbye to Honor and I followed Logan outside. He walked us to the car and opens my door as I get in he says, "wait here, I need to get something." Before I could object he gives me a kiss and leave me with a wink. When he get's back he puts something in the trunk and then comes and sit's next to me as the diver takes us somewhere. As the car stops I don't see a thing only snow. I turn to Logan and ask, "so what are we doing here?" Logan smirks and pulls out a sledge, "you up for it?" I laugh and we both sit in it and Logan gives it a push it get it started. We move really fast down the slight hill that's covered in snow. As we get close to the end we fall out and erupt into laughter. I garb some snow and throw it in his face and he pouts, "I'll get you back for that Gilmore."

After our snow fight we had to make it back to the house for lunch. It was your normal roast dinner but then times the size by ten. Honor says, "is anyone else coming mom, the cooks cooked for about twenty." Shira shake her head sighing, "please just eat Honor. So what have you all been up to today." Honor shrugs, "just some Christmas movies in our room." She turns to us and Logan says, "we just went on a walk." I nod along because I don't think they would be too happy to hear about our snow fight.

At the end of lunch we all sat in the living room and watched a movie and ate cookies. Seeing as we were going home tomorrow me and Logan took an early night after dinner and went to bed. That's the first Christmas out of the way now for the Gilmore one.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for being gone for so long I hope you liked what I did with Christmas next part will be getting back to the episodes.

Xoxo Maddie.

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