Part 9

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This weekend me, Noah, and Rachel are all at my apartment drinking and talking. (Outfit above.) Noah asks, "okay so what are your plans for after Yale? I mean you both know mine, I'm going on tour with that dance company." Rachel takes a swig from the bottle of vodka and shrugs, "God knows, I mean I majored in music, I can play the piano and I love it more then anything. However my mom and dad want me join the family business." I take her hand, "follow your dreams, don't let your parent tell you what you want to be and what you have to do." She nods, "your right I need to think hard about this, what about you Tina?"

I take the bottle from her and say, "my online business is going good, I have orders coming and I'm making good money. I'm just not sure what to do next. I mean Logan is still in London, do I join him out there after Yale or stay here. I just don't know where to go from here. Now to mention I feel like I'm loosing my touch when it comes to singing. You guys know how much I love it but--" Noah cuts me off, "Kitty Cat look at me. We love you and if anyone can figure where to go from here it's you." We just end up sitting in silence thinking and drinking as we pass the bottle around.

Just then the phone rings and I see it's my Logan call, "hey hot stuff." He laughs, "hello to you too Queenie. So how have you been?" I sigh, "I'm leaving school soon." "I know, and I promise I will be there." I smile, "You better be or I'm gonna flight out to London and drag you here myself. Speaking of, what happens to us after I graduate?" "What do you mean? Do you want to end it?" "God no, I mean to I move to London or do you come back here? Why do you want to end it?" "No, no, no. You just had me worried for a minute. Look I have a morning meeting to get to but I'll call you soon. I love you and for now just focus on the now not the future." "I love you too. Good luck in the meeting and I will try my hardest." I hang up and grab the bottle back and say, "we need to have fun." We all smirk and nod.

Noah had left to buy us some hair dye and me and Rachel are making some popcorn. When Noah get's back we put the dye in our hair and sit on the bathroom floor eating popcorn. "So Rach how is Colin?" Rachel nods, "he still calls and visits, I just can't wait for the summer. He has this big thing planned he just won't tell me what." Noah smirks, "I know what it is." Rachel gasps, "tell me right this minute Noah." He just smirks and says, "never!" She grabs some popcorn, throws it and him and says, "I hate you sometimes." I just laugh at them two and say, "alright break it up you two or I take the popcorn away from you." They pout and both say, "fine."

We washed the dye out and we looked cool. (Hair above.) I went with a purple pink kind of color, Rachel went for blue, and Noah went for red. Rachel squeals, "I love it! My parents are so gonna kill me though." Noah shakes his head, "nah, it should wash out in like a week, your fine." I nod, "yeah, I do love mine though. Wait I think I have the perfect idea." I run to my room and come back with three dress bags one with a suit in it, "fashion show! I have been working on these for awhile." We all get changed and put music on and we took photos of each other.

A/N: Hey guys so this was kind of a filler chapter and I know it is no where near my best but I didn't know what to write for episode 7 so did this instead. Also tell me what you think of the hair and how you want her to react to her mom and dad getting married. Do you want her to be like Rory or do you want her to be happy for them.

Xoxo Maddie.

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