Jin drove them to a little park on the outskirt of town and the four of them walked to a little lake at it's edge where Hoseok and Yoongi were already waiting for them, waving as they saw them. The day was bright and lovely, the low standing sun still managing to warm his skin and he was glad he only wore a T-shirt today. 
A sudden wave of nostalgia hit him when he realized he couldn't remember the last time he had been out in the sun and just... relaxed. 

A picnic blanket was spread on the soft grass and Yoongi was already playing some of his self-made beats on the music box he had popped up beside him. Hoseok greeted him with a crushing hug and only let him go because Namjoon shot him a long look. 

Sitting down, Jin pulled out several boxes from the bag he'd carried over, revealing tons of self made food. 
"I like to cook and I have more than enough time on my hands," the oldest only said with a shoulder shrug while Jimin stared at the food with a gaping mouth. 

They ate and talked, listened and sang along to the music, then got up to play some football, soccer and catch and release, cracked jokes or simply lay in the setting sun, watching the clouds pass over them. 

Slowly he began to open up and even started conversations on his own, which surprised him more than it did the boys. And they seemed hella surprised.
He got to know them better too. 

Jin was funny and beyond ridiculous, cracking dad jokes every opportunity he had. At first, Jimin had tried to suppress his laughter, but soon after, he found himself rolling on the floor, holding his stomach at every single one of them. He couldn't remember if he'd ever laughed that hard before. 

Namjoon was incredibly attentive. He seemed to always know when things got a bit too overwhelming for Jimin, changed the subject when he noticed Jimin wasn't comfortable talking about certain topics and averted the attention from his when it all got too much for a moment. He could have fallen around his arms every time. 

Yoongi was, in fact, not as quiet as Jimin had originally thought. Maybe it was because it was just them, but the boy talked openly about his past. About the things he went through, his struggles, the hopes and dreams he still has for his future and the music he was currently working on. Jimin found himself hanging to every word he said. 

Taehyung was simply the sweetest, offering Jimin to try every piece of food and would have probably fed him too if Namjoon hadn't stopped him. It felt easy to talk to Taehyung, maybe because he talked so much, but Jimin liked that a lot. He was in a team with him, playing soccer against Hoseok and Namjoon and they made a surprisingly good team, scoring one goal after another while the Yoonig and Jin hooted for them. 

And then there was Hoseok. And he was just... Hoseok. He made everyone laugh just by simply being himself, smiling more brightly than the sun and his giggles were ridiculously catchy. His positivity and giddiness just seemed to seep into Jimin without him realizing. 

And as he sat there, surrounded by the laughing, smiling boys, he suddenly realized he was no longer someone who looked outside a window and hated the people sitting together and having fun. And he was... happy. 
Really Happy. 
And yet...

He leaned back and looked around, trying to figure out why he felt so weird all of a sudden. Like something was missing. 
But the day was amazing, the sun almost gone behind the horizon, the water of the little lake glittering with the last rays of sunlight and the breeze still warm but scented with the upcoming night. Hoseok was giggling at Jin's dad joke and Taehyung had his head popped up on Namjoon's lap while the boy was reading a book but tapping his feet to the rhythm of the music.

The scene was serene and calm and for the first time, he felt completely at ease surrounded by other people- people he might actually consider friends now. There were no thoughts in his head about what he should or shouldn't do or how he should behave, no wondering if he said something wrong or laughed at the wrong time. 
And yet... 

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