Jake has it all. He’s just too perfect.

“Tss, and what is that ‘undiscovered persona’ then?” Sunghoon asked, making Jake smile wider.

“At first, I thought you were a total asshole, turns out you’re not. Of course, you’re still a killjoy but I can clearly see how you care for other people even with the most subtle way” Jake said, staring straight into his eyes.

It made Sunghoon feel his heartbeat getting faster than normal, as if he was running into a marathon. He doesn't even know why it always happens to him whenever he is with someone.

Jake to be exact.

“Just like now, you may be assuming that I felt too upset about losing a chance to confess to someone I like…” Jake said, while Sunghoon suddenly felt another pang in his chest when Jake talked about him, liking Ethan once again “...but now, you helped me to relax my mind and take me here at the special place of yours to make me feel better which really, really works” Jake beamed, making Sunghoon’s lips curl into a smile.

Jake also smiled at him. “I love that” Jake said.

“The... what?” Sunghoon cluelessly asked.

“Your smile. I love to see you smile, especially that we are just the only beings here” Jake said. And that is when Sunghoon felt his heart beat once again, in addition to his ears getting hotter. It feels different, but he likes it.

“If you think that I am like the ocean, then I’ll be your ocean” Sunghoon said to him, making Jake look at him with wide eyes and a bright smile.

Well, Jake is a merman so..

“Aww that line was so sweet. Thank you~” Jake said before moving forward to Jake and give him a warm hug.

Sunghoon just froze in his place as he felt himself malfunctioning at what Jake did.

“J-Jake, what the heck are you doing?” Sunghoon asked while still feeling the embrace of the older, but Jake pulled away as soon as he heard that.

“Duh, obviously, I am hugging you as a 'thank you'. Why? You don’t like it?” Jake asked with his head slightly tilted at the side making him look like a puppy even more.

Sunghoon chuckled at his face before speaking once again. “I was just shocked. Hugs are disgusting…” Sunghoon said, making Jake frown. He then chuckled once again before letting out a sigh.

“Come on, do that again” Sunghoon just said while avoiding Jake’s gaze, and when he heard that, Jake giggled which is a pure music in Sunghoon’s ears, as he felt the older wrapping his arms at his body.

For Sunghoon, it was too sweet and Sunghoon is not a fan of sweet actions, but he loved this one. He doesn’t even know why.

After a few more moments, Jake then pulled away from the hug with a huge smile on his lips and a cute blush in his cheek. Sunghoon swears, he was really cute.

They spend an hour to three hours there, not even noticing how the time passed by as they enjoyed their chats together.

“You know what, you really need to introduce that Ethan to us. I really don’t feel good about him” Sunghoon said.

“Eyy I love how you are being protective but Ethan hyung is really a good person. I’ll invite him in the house some other time so that the both of you could talk” Jake said.

“Tss, I already knew him leaving you two times in my watch. First, on the coffee shop and now on the convenience store. What do you expect me to think about him? Hence, uncle Jimin also told me to take care of you” Sunghoon just scoffed.

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