"I'm afraid your reputation precedes you," The Handler says. "And it looks like you're building on it here," She says, reading the message Five had put in the tube. "Oh, Karl Weber. Now tell me, why unfortunate Karl?"

"Karl Weber is the butcher at the shop where Captain Ernst A. Lehmann acquires his weekly roast," Five explains. "So, if Karl dies, his butcher shop is passed on to his son, Otto, who... never washes his hands, which is disgusting."

"When the captain gets his roast from Otto, he will get food poisoning. It makes him late for work, delaying the takeoff. To make up for lost time, the Hindenburg flies through a weather front of high electrical charge and humidity," Y/n says before Five continues.

"And the static electricity inside makes it a virtual tinder sparks."

"The little sparks then turn into an explosion."


"I'm sure you've all heard that Mr. Five and Miss. Eight has proven to be as adept with a pen as one of them was with a sword. Let their effort serve as inspiration to you all!" The Handler says. "Herb! How long have you been on the Lusitania?"

"Oh, ah... Well, let's see, I, uh... I..."


"When I first started..."

"Sorry? I can't hear you. Still can't hear you," She says as the buzzer buzzes and everyone leaves the room. "Oh, Gene, a word before you go to lunch. Gutenberg seems to be having second thoughts about the printing press."

Everyone leaves and Five hides a file under his shirt.

They quickly enter a bathroom stall together. There was barely any distance between them as both felt the heat that rushed to their cheeks. With nothing else in mind, they joined lips as a fire lit up inside them—they yearned for the other. Five pulled Y/n closer by the waist while she tangled her hands in his brown locks. She tugged at them lightly as he moaned into her mouth, gently sucking on her tongue. They separated as Five left open-mouthed kisses on her neck before sucking lightly.

"Shit," Five says, not having yet left a mark as the toilet door opens.

He quickly opens the file, seeing a smiling face drawn in it.

"Language," Y/n whispers as she squats on the toilet seat cover so no one could tell there were two of them in one cubicle—not like anyone would check.

"So, how's your first day going?" The Handler asks.

"Couldn't be better," Five replies.

"Glad to hear it," She says as she pees and Y/n plugs in her ears as the Handler coughs.

'Well, this is awkward,' Y/n tells Five telepathically.

'Why? Just why?' Five responds.

"I burned my rugae. Ever burn your rugae? Rugae. The ridges on the hard palate that help pass food to the esophagus. Anyway, I'm on a liquid diet for two days, hence the marathon of urination. One faulty cog, and nothing works as it should," She says as she stops peeing and Y/n unplugs her ears. "You know, we value integrity at the office above all else. Trust is essential, and that trust is... built over time. But in the event of a breach, the Commission will act swiftly and without mercy. An efficiency I'm sure you above all people can appreciate, Number Five," She says, flushing the toilet as Five freaks out slightly. "I'm feeling peckish. Have you had your lunch yet?"

"Not yet," Five awkwardly replies.

"Great," She says, washing her hands. "How would you like to lunch with me in my office? You can eat solid foods, and I can live vicariously... through you," She says, peering over the door. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"Nothing at all," Y/n replies, slightly irritated.

"Are you coming out now?" The Handler asks.

"In a moment," Five replies.

The Handler leaves and Y/n is harshly pinned against the wall again. He leans forward slowly. They almost kiss but he stops when their lips were a mere centimetre away from each other. Y/n pouts while Five chuckles. He moves aside her uniform to reveal bare skin on her shoulder.

He quickly kissed it, trailing to her collarbone. Y/n felt the suction on her neck and looked down, seeing the purple mark.


"The briefcase is here?" Hazel asks as they get out of the car.

The area was almost a true jungle. It was away from the city and it was where the animals roamed free, untouched by human hands. The crickets chirped happily, not hearing the complaints of its human neighbours. Dogs happily ran free off leashes and cats snoozed as much as they pleased. Here, the trees grew on their own accord, not in pots and in concrete jungles like the city. Everything was much more lush and much more green. The humans stayed away, mostly too used to comfort to even think about being with the mosquitos. Until, Hazel and Cha-Cha arrived.

"It's where Commission said," Cha-Cha lies.

"All righty," Hazel says.

He walks a few steps in as the leaves rustles and crunches.

"Sure are in the middle of nowhere," He comments, bending down.

"What are you doing?" Cha-Cha asks.

"Just tying my shoe," Hazel responds. "Can I ask you a cuckoo bananas question?"

"Sure, shoot."

"Would it really be so bad... if we didn't find the briefcase?"

"Uh, yeah," Cha-Cha responds. "You know what happens to people who step out of line. We'd be hunted like dogs. What's the matter with you?"

"I guess I'm just tired of all this being told what to do, where to go. Wouldn't it be nice to kill who you want for a change, not who the Commission tells us to?" He asks. "Let's forget the stupid briefcase. Why not just stay here?"

"In case it fell out of your head, there won't be a 'here' in a few days."

"Well, then, maybe we should help stop it."

"Stop what?"

"You know," Hazel responds.

"That's impossible," She tells him.

"Why? Number Five came back."

"And he failed. He's back at the Commission. There's no way around this, Hazel. Our only choice is to do what they say," She says, pointing a gun at his head as he turned around. "One way or another, they always get you."

A gunshot sounded.

Timeless[Soulmate AU][Five X Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن