"Yer gonna be fine, anyone could see ya worryin' from a mile away." The gray-haired stated rather calmly and the dyed blonde in front of him paused, was it really that obvious?

"I don't know what yer talkin' 'bout, I'm not worried." Atsumu rolled his eyes lightly and Osamu sighed, he wasn't believing that.

"I'll leave my ringer on, call me when ya get there, 'kay?" This was normal, whenever one twin had to go somewhere without the other, they'd either have them on call or call when they got there, it was more of a comfort thing.

Hearing that, the dyed blonde nodded, feeling a little more relaxed.

"Thanks 'Samu, I'll see ya in a week." Atsumu smiled, a genuine smiled before giving his brother a small wave and walking out the front door.

With that, the blonde decided on some music as he headed for the bus stop. He had a long ride ahead and sure as hell wouldn't survive it without music.

Atsumu got his playlist going as he waited at the bus stop just down his street. He was lucky as he didn't have to wait for long, the bus for Tokyo had arrived five minutes early and without a moment of hesitation, the blonde got on, mentally preparing for the trip ahead.





When the bus came to a stop, Atsumu couldn't help but hesitate. He was somewhere new, by himself, and it definitely made him uneasy, however he wouldn't let that stop him from going on.

Taking a deep breath, the dyed blonde stepped off the bus and was met with a sight that drew his nerves crazy. The bus had stopped outside the hotel all camp members would be staying at, and to say there were a lot of members would be an understatement. It bubbled up some panic Atsumu hoped he could ignore, but knew how to get rid of it.

Without wasting another second, he pulled out his phone and called his brother. It took a few rings before he answered and when he did, Atsumu let out the biggest sigh of relief.

"Hey 'Tsumu, did ya make it okay?" Osamu asked on the other line and Atsumu simply answered with a yes as he walked towards the hotel.

"Ya should see it here," Atsumu let out a small chuckle, hiding the slight nervousness in his tone. "It's a lot more crowded than I thought it'd be."

"It's really that bad?" Osamu figured it may have been crowded, but not as bad as it sounded.

The blonde nodded to himself as he walked through the hotels doors, camp members were all over, presumably waiting to get their keys.

"Mhm, make me wish I brought a damn spray bottle or somethin', might be easier to get people to-" Atsumu stooped mid sentence, he'd bumped into someone just a few inches shorter than him, a smaller brunette with a bright neon coloured jacket.

"Sorry about that, didn't see ya there." Atsumu was quick to apologize, normally he'd yell at someone for bumping into him but honestly, he just wanted to get away from the crowd.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't paying attention either!" The brunette smiled, though his attention was brought away by a deeper voice calling his name from a little bit of ways away.

"Gotta go, catch you later!" The shorter waved and Atsumu smiled, he seemed rather nice.

Though his thoughts weren't on the other for long as he heard his brother calling his name from the other line.

"Sorry 'Samu, I bumped into someone. What were ya sayin'?" The blonde asked as he walked up to the front counter, where he'd seen a key with a name tage hanging off it, his name to be specific.

"I gotta get goin', are ya gonna be okay off the phone?" Osamu of course was worried about his brother, but he was bound to be.

"Mhm, I'll be okay, I just gotta get to my room." The blonde had already spotted the elevator, and was headed for it.

"Alright, stay safe 'Tsumu, remember to call Ma later too." That was the last thing Osamu said before hanging up, leaving Atsumu to put his music back on.

The dyed blonde got in an elevator and after making sure no one else had to get on, pressed the button for the second floor. He went on to wait, paying attention to nothing but his music until he reached the second floor.

Atsumu had been so distracted with his music while he headed to his room, that he didn't seem to notice the brunette and his black haired roommate who seemed to walk into the room next to his. He was simply focused on getting in and getting his stuff sorted out.

Walking into his room, the dyed blonde smiled at one sight, the bed. He still had to get all his things sorted out, though right after, he was taking a good at least two hour nap. He wanted to be up an hour before everyone had to meet at the training centre, just so he could get ready.

Focusing back on the moment, Atsumu kept his music going as he set his duffle bag down on the bed and scanned around the room quickly, his nerves seeming to leaving him be.

He had a good feeling about this place.


Oooooo~ we're getting into it~

JSHSJDHSJS y'all ever been excited for your own story??? Because even tho I know what's going on, I'm like,, super pumped >:D


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