c h a p t e r 2 7 ~ stand tall

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"i love you jess."

jessica's pov

julie and i woke up in the morning. we ran down to the studio to see the guys had already left. we waited until they got back.

julie started asking them tons of questions, "oh my gosh! what took you guys so long? did willie do it? did you talk to them? did they watch? did they like us? are we playing? can somebody answer me? why is no one saying anything?" julie asked. "woah girl take a chill pill." i told her laughing.

"woah that's a lot of questions. luke, you wanna take this one?" reggie asked. "take a seat." luke told julie motioning next to me. "it's fine. everything's fine." luke told her. "yeah, you should be getting a call right... now!" alex told us as we looked down at her phone, nothing happened. "okay. right... now!" he said again.

this time something did happen, julie got a call. "nailed it." alex said. "go!" we all yelled at her. "okay okay!" she exclaimed. "hello." julie said. "hi, this is tasha from the orpheum in hollywood. is this julie of julie and the phantoms?" "yes it is." she said as the guys all dance around. hi. are you available to open for us tonight? "yeah totally, thank you so much." juli said hanging up.

the boys had lifted alex up spinning him around. julie and i then left to try and find outfits. we found outfits and then went back to the studio.

"are you ready?" julie asked the guys. they stayed quiet, "what's wrong?" i asked. "yeah. we just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." alex told us. "pretty sure i ghost peed a little." reggie said. i gave him a funny look. "but we're fine." luke told us.

"actually guys i'm a little nervous." julie said but i zoned out all the sudden julie and luke called for a band circle.

we formed a circle i grabbed reggie and julies hand as luke spoke, "we don't know what brought us here but what we do know is, you guys are stars. and just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above... or...now let's go rock this show. let's give em a night they'll be talking about till the sun comes up. legends on three. one." "two" reggie and i said. "three." julie and alex said. "legends!" we all exclaimed.

then a car horn honcked, "that's our dad, he's driving us there, so we'll see you guys soon." julie said and we both left. we got to the orpheum and we both got our own dressing rooms i just stayed in mine until the performance assuming the guys went to julies room.

i went down to the stage a bit late to see julie just walking in. "they're not here." julie told me. i sighed and nodded. we grabbed hands and walked onto the stage.

welcome to live at the orpheum. now give it up for molinas and the phantoms.

"hi. now i hate speaking so i'm just gonna let julie take over right away." i said. julie smiled at me, "Tonight, I'd like to dedicate this song to my mom, who's been there with me every time I played. And thank her for not giving up on me or Jess. I also like to dedicate tonight's performance to three special friends. Who have changed our lives completely, who brought music back to me. It was their dream to play here, and, this is for them. This song is for anyone who's lost the way. Step into your greatness. Don't give up. Stand tall. Thank you."

julie and i started playing.

we had a bitter sweet ride home. i zoned out the whole time and when we got home i was there but wasn't, that was until we walking into the studio and i heard a voice, "your welcome." alex said.

julie turned on the lights and we saw the guys laying on the floor. "why are you guys here? i though... i thought you crossed over. why didn't you cross over?" julie asked. "i guess playing the orpheum wasn't our unfinished business." alex told her. "point caleb." reggie said and i looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"we wanted you to think we crossed over but, we had nowhere else to go." luke told us. "we thought you'd go straight to bed." reggie told us. "yeah, well, i knew they'd come out here but nobody ever listens to me." alex said and then a jolt hit them. julie started crying and telling them to join calebs club. i went over to reggie. "don't leave. please." i said. he looked at me with tears, "i don't want to jess but....."

julie cut us of "alex, reggie come." we went over and when the guys touched julie and i they lit up. they're stamps disappeared.

i looked at reggie and i kissed him. then after a bit he pulled away, "i love you jess." he told me. "i love you too reg. don't ever scare me like that again." i told him. he looked at me shocked, "does this mean we're back together?" he asked. i smiled, "yeah." he pulled me in for another kiss. we pulled away our foreheads resting on one another's. at that moment life was perfect. and i never want it to change.

a/n~ all done! sorry the last chapters weren't the best but i felt really bad about leaving it where it was. anyway hope you enjoy!

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