Eighteenth Chapter

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Hermione's POV


"LION! Come on we are going to be late for the wedding!" I heard Bella yell and I groaned, "Calm down you try being 2 months pregnant!" I yelled back and Bella walked in the room dressed in a black tux with a green tie. "Do you need help getting the dress off I mean on," she smirked and winked.

"You look good in that suit but what is with you and green," I looked her up and down enjoying my view. The tux is fitted to her perfectly showing off her curves. "Says the girl in the red dress," I rolled my eyes. "Are Andy and Cissa in green too?"

"We are Slytherins," she wrapped her arms around my waist. "You look beautiful in a dress," I shook my head. "I don't wear dresses Bella," she nod, "I know."

"Aunt Bella! Hermione! We have a problem with the Veela bride," Draco said running in. I grabbed Bella's hand and ran to Fleur. When I got into the room I see a half transformed Fleur.

"Fleur. Look at me," the feathered woman turned to me. "Mione what if she doesn't want me after we marry," I grabbed the woman's hand. "Fleur calm down Nymphadora loves you. You are mates. Your perfect for each other. She crazy, funny, so irresponsible and so, so in love with you she would face Voldemort himself if you asked her too."

"I love her Mione... she is my other half I can't lose her," I played with a feather on her neck. "Soulmates are a two way street Fleur... she loves you too," slowly the feathers retracted. "Who would've thought all those years ago that you would be here with me... on my wedding day... in the early stages of pregnancy. It's crazy how much has changed."

"Well if you would've told me two year ago I would be married to a death eater, a traitor and... well actually if you told me I would be married full stop I would be shocked let alone 2 months into a pregnancy."

"How did you end up getting married before me anyway I've known Dora longer then you've known your wives. So how the hell did you get married before me?" Bella laughed, "because us Black's aren't known for our patience." I rolled my eye and looked up at the Veela, "they wanted to Shag me and couldn't do it without me being married so they married me then shagged me until I pasted out. They have great stamina by the way who would've thought for people... their age!" I said the last part loudly and Bella growled.

"Oh you are so going to regret that comment tonight," Bella growled out and I laughed. "Will you both keep it in your pants!" Cissa walked in, "your bride is waiting for you at the altar."

The Veela turned to me, "one more thing I want to do before I get married." I smiled at the older woman, "what is it?" She stepped in my personal space and pressed her lips against mine.

I felt nothing. No magic. Nothing.

She pulled back, "nothing guess it really does change." We laughed and Cissa was holding Bella back, "sorry for kissing your wife."

With that we all walked out of the room and enjoyed the wedding. It went off without anything bad happening. It was perfect. I was so happy for Fleur and Dora. 

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