Seventeenth Chapter

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Hermione's POV

After about 5 minutes of silent Fleur bursts out laughing, "zat is amazing 'Ermione maybe I should try zat to make er shut up." Fleur looked at her mate and that seemed to snap everyone out of it including Dora, "oh Fleur if you smacked me I'd just be making more noise."

"Well my little lion didn't think you had it in you," Cissa said then turned to Andy who was just smirking. "God help our children," I blushed harder.

"Can I be the god father?" I turned to Harry who has a soft smile on his face, "yeah you can Harry." Bella raised her eyebrow at us, "oh will he now?" I turned to the oldest sister, "yes or you can forget about having children with me and only your sisters get them." The woman pouted, "no okay he can be the god father." I smiled and turn Dora smirked at Bella, "whipped already Aunt Bella?"

"Your one to talk! I'm not the one she had over her knee a minute ago," Bella growled and Fleur hit Dora's arm. "Behave mon chérie," the Veela said and Dora pouted. "So Mione when will you give me a little brother or sister?"

I glared up at her, "keep taking and I use my belt next." She smirked hard, "I want a little sister you know someone I can be a role model to."

I held up my wand ready to jinx the pink haired woman, "Lion stop it and you Nymphadora if you keep nagging I'm going to hex you into next week." Andy said and took my wand off me, "hey what are you doing with my wand." I looked into the dark brown eyes, "you can get it back after dinner."

"Haha is she your mate or your child!" I raised my hand at Dora and whispered, "ventus." The strong wind pushed Dora out of her chair and onto the floor. "HERMIONE!" I smiled innocently at Andy, "yes love?"

"Atta girl little lion. Won't be messing with you now," Bella laughed. Dora got up pouting, "no fair Mione."

"Wait Mione how did you do that?" Harry asked and I turned to him, "magic Harry." He shook his head, "since when can you do wandless magic?" I looked to see Fleur smirking at me, "she az been able to do it az long az I've known 'er."

"I learnt it in 3rd year when I had that time turner," I told the boy and he smiled widely. "That is so cool can you teach me?" I smiled and nod, "okay but I'm not that good at it."

"Oh you will be when we have finished," I turned to Bella and smiled. "Can you teach me wordless too?"

"Little lion when I'm done with you you'll be strong enough to at least take Cissy down maybe Andy too," I smiled and then Dora turned to us. "That is if you don't get distracted by kissing her," I groaned and hide behind my hair.

"Its okay my little lion," Cissa pushed my hair back behind my ear. "My. My. My have we all been busy," I looked at Fleur confused then saw her point to her neck and I turned bright red and let my hair go from behind my ear again.

"Have they stolen your innocence yet that I so kindly left them," Fleur kept the smirk on her face. "Sadly not yet but we have tried a few times," I hid my face again praying for dinner to end.

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