Fourth Chapter

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Fleur's POV

I picked the small brunette up and sat on the couch her in my lap while she cried into my neck. I don't think I've ever seen the girl so deep within the darkness.

"Explain what exactly I missed?" I turned to my mate while playing with 'Ermione's hair.

"Mum and I changed sides we could see the war was lost and if we would've stayed on the order's side we would have lost our lives so we made a deal. We will help them if Hermione and Harry lived as property of the Black and Malfoy family."

I raised my eyebrow, "does zis have anything to do with zat prophecy you told me about ze Black family?"

The three sisters all looked at me in shock then turned to my mate glaring at her. "She's my mate I had to tell her," my mate's cheeks slowly turned red. "Mate? Little Nymph has a mate?"

"Fleur I want to go home," the little brunette had tears rolling down her face. "I know 'Ermione but you can't 'ow about we go upstairs and you can go back to sleep. I promise I will not leave you," the brunette nod so I picked her up. "Can someone please show us a bed," I looked to the three Black sisters. "Bella's is bigger," I looked to my mate and nod. "Okay lead the way chérie," I followed the pink hair woman with Hermione in my arms.

As we stop Dora opens the door and I see a black room with a king size four poster bed, "thank you chérie." I kissed her cheek then walked into the room and to the ensuite attached.

"Let's get you cleaned up 'Ermione," I waved my wand and the bath filled itself with rose and vanilla oil. I slowly stripped the girl of her dirty clothes wincing at the scars the young girl has. "Fleur why are you calling Tonks your mate," Hermione whispered and I lifted her chin up. "Veela's have soulmates usually found in their late teens to early adulthood. I never believed in soulmates. My mother had never found hers so what was the point in trying to find mine so when I meet Bill he was nice and charming. Once he proposed I excepted it believe this was as close to love I was going to get. But at the wedding my eyes meet Dora's and I knew I would never love anyone as much as I would her."

"What happened to Bill?" She looked up at me with those big brown puppy dog eyes, "just before you arrived we signed divorce papers. I couldn't drag him along he was to good for that." I put the underweight girl into the bath, "he is dead isn't he..." I looked down to see tears in her eyes, "the Weasley's didn't make it they got corner and death eaters picked them off one after another."

"I'm sorry you had to see that chérie," I started to wash her hair. "I know it doesn't make you feel better but I know for a fact that they won't hurt you chérie," the brown eyes looked up at me. "But they are death eaters," I finished washing her hair. "I promise 'Ermione Granger they will not hurt you and if they do I will kill them myself,"

I picked the girl up and dried her then got her dressed in a bed shirt and shorts. "Let's go to bed chérie," I took her to bed. "I promise to give them a chance," she laid down on my chest and fell asleep.

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