Eleventh Chapter

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Hermione's POV

I started to wake up. Light flashed on my closed eyelids, "wake up Muddy!" I groaned turned over and cuddled into my pillow. "Not a morning person then," I hear Bella say and I groaned more. "Cissy make her get up!" Bella yelled and my pillow raised up and down laughing. "But she's so peaceful Bella hasn't had one single bad dream," my 'pillow' kept moving up and down as Cissa talked.

"Well breakfast is ready so she needs to get up and eat," I heard Andy enter the room.

Piss off I'm bloody tired.

"That's not nice Muddy," Bella's voice went deeper.

Stupid pure bloods reading my mind.

"But you yourself are a pureblood my little lion," Cissa said playing with my hair. "Wait she knows?" Andy asked.

Yes I've known for a year. Now go away. Or get on the bed I really don't care just let me sleep.

"Why is she so tired Cissa?" Andy asked and I groaned. "The little lion was a bit busy last night asking if our children will become death eaters," a growl pierced the air. "No fucking child of mine is going to be a death eater I'd rather lay my life down then send them into that life!" I heard Bella growl and I felt my magic vibrating threw me. Weird. The growled slowed to a stop and my magic calmed down.

"The dark lord said that our children won't have to serve him. We are to focus on bringing back our once noble house," Andy told me and I slowly opened my eyes. "I want some toast," I got up in my sleep shirt and panties not even bother that they are staring at me.

I walked downstairs and got a piece of toast, "Madam Granger would you like eggs with your toast." I looked down at the house elf, "yes please. What is your name?" I asked and the elf looked up at me with wide eyes, "Tippy Madam Granger." I smiled and took the elf's hand, "nice to meet you and you can just call me Hermione." The elf smiled and clicked away. I sat down with my eggs and toast and started to eat. Soon the sisters came down and ate their breakfast.

After it was done I heard a popping sound, "MOTHER! AUNTY BELLA! AUNTY ANDY!" I heard a familiar voice yell, "HERMIONE!" I jumped up and ran to the voice. "HARRY!" I see the black haired boy and ran up jumping in his arms.

"Hello Mother. Aunties. Granger." I kept a hold of Harry scared if I will let go he will die too. "Hermione I'm so glad to see you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He pulled back and looked me all over for injuries. "No I'm okay Harry," I smiled at the boy I've known since we were 11/12.

"So mother should I be expecting a sibling any time soon," Draco said and Bella burst out laughing. "What is with your kids and wanting siblings!" I blushed at that. "They are only children they want a sibling," Andy said and I turned to them.

"I was more asking because of Granger state of dress," Malfoy raised an eyebrow and soon I was pulled away from Harry and put behind Andy. "Don't stare at what isn't yours little nephew," he rolled his eyes and I created some magical shorts and put them on.

"We can't stay for long we are just here to check on Granger. Harry was worried," the blonde said. "No need to worry," I whispered.

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