Chapter 5

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"You're back!" Moth howled happily as she ran over to  greet Snowfall as she walked into the camp with Sorrel and Cedar behind her.

Snowfall felt like her legs were going to fall off. They ached terribly from all the running of going from the camp to the Ancient Willow and back in a span of less than a day, and now she was exhausted. Such a trip like that put in a lot of exercise for her that she never had gotten from staying in the camp for moons. She let out a yawn. "I'm so tired. I just want to go to my nest and black out for the rest of the day."

"How? Didn't all you do was sleep at the Ancient Willow?" Moth teased.

Snowfall rolled her eyes grinning. "You do realize that it's a long tiring trip there and back, right?"

"Oh right." Moth said in understanding lifting her head back.

"Snowfall?" Sorrel said as she walked past her.

Snowfall pricked up her black ears to hear listen to her mentor.

"I'll let you get some rest for a bit and then we'll start a bit of basic herb training knowledge later, alright?" Sorrel explained.

Snowfall nodded drily without even really comprehending what her mentor had said from being so tired. "Alright."

Cedar walked past them into the cave, probably to go see his mate and two pups.

Moth nudged Snowfalls shoulder to grab her full attention as her eye lids began growing heavy. Never had she thought it could be possible for her to be this tired!

"So?" Moth said as she sat down looking at her as if she wanted to know something.

"So what?" Snowfall replied in confusion. Her mind was so drowsy and her body was desperate for her legs to just rest in her warm nest.

"What did you see?"

Snowfall opened her mouth to say that she saw their mother, but stopped herself when she was about to.

"I can't tell you." Snowfall said looking down at her paws.

"What? Why?" Moth said tilting her head sounding disappointed.

"Your not supposed to tell what you see or dream of, that's between you and the Ancestor's." Snowfall explained.

"Not even to your own sister?" Moth pressed.

Snowfall shook her head.

"That's stupid." Moth sighed with bitterness glaring at her paws.

Moth got up and waved her fluffy golden tail for Snowfall to follow after her.

The two apprentices walked fully into the camp clearing and went and laid down at the tall rock wall where the sun shone brightly.  They stretched out their paws out before them. Moth kept her head up, while Snowfall laid her head between her forepaws.

After all the the running her legs had done, her legs didn't even want to carry herself to her new nest.

"How did seeing the territory go?" Snowfall asked sleepily.

"Oh it was amazing!" Moth said. "I never knew how much territory we had. I even saw the mountains where the Mountain Pack lives!"

Lucky. Snowfall thought enviously.

"Did you train?" Snowfall asked.

Moth nodded her head. "I got to a little bit, but I really loved seeing the older apprentices train."

"Alder sure can fight good that's for sure." Moth sighed looking down at her outstretched paws flexing them.

Snowfall stared at her sister, she looked somewhat moonstruck when she talked about the older apprentice.

Wolves: Dawn of a Destiny #1Where stories live. Discover now