𝟎𝟔. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫

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Name: Willow Davis

Age: 20

Job: Baker

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender/Gender Identity: Female

Personality: Willow is a sweet yet mischievous person. She likes to cause trouble and chaos, however, she makes sure it isn't too bad. However, when she's working you'd never tell she was mischievous. She is extremely sweet and kind to her customers, making sure they have a better day after visiting her bakery. When she isn't working, she's usually thinking of pranks or annoying her friends. Some assume that she's timid when she's the opposite. She's outgoing and loves making new friends and meeting new people.



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Likes: Baking, cooking, her partner, her friends, seeing others smile, sweet food, sweets, cake

Dislikes: Seeing her friends upset, being too busy at work, when her recipes don't work out


Scenario One:

Today was a day where you found yourself with nothing to do. Your friends were busy and your girlfriend was at work, so you were alone. So, being bored, you decided to go to the bakery that your girlfriend works at!

You had entered the cozy place, a small bell had rung, information the two workers that someone had entered. Willow lifted her head up, to see you. She smiled whilst waving, heading to the counter to talk to you and/or take your order.

"Hey, babe! I'm happy you came by. What can I get for ya?" She had asked.


Scenario Two: 

Make Your Own.

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