"Let me speak," I whisper when my eyes meet his again as he lifts his head.

"Nicole..." He tries to protest, but I cut him off.

"You would understand everything if you'll listen to me.." I look at him and plead. "Please, just listen to me."

He sighs, and then finally gives up.

I look at my dad expectantly after telling him everything about Christopher. He appears conflicted in his thoughts as he glances out of the window. Meanwhile, I fiddle with my fingers nervously, hoping that he would believe me and sympathize with Christopher.

"Do you think I'd believe all this?" He asks, turning around and my jaw drops in shock.

"You have to..." I say strongly, considering how delusional he is being right now.

"And how do you know he isn't lying to you?" He questions.

"What does that mean?" I say, raising an eyebrow at him. When he doesn't say anything, I exhale in frustration. "Come on, dad, He is ready to disclose everything. He would give all the information about the bases that their gang has across the country. His operating spots, links, dealers, and every single thing about Richard and the Cobra. Do you think he would be a fool to risk everything like that?"

"That's exactly my point. You wouldn't know if he is trying to be a victim to solve his own purpose. What if he wants to get Richard out of his way? What if he is using you as his escape?"

"I know him. He isn't a liar. He is the one who has been deceived and manipulated. You can't even imagine what he had been through, but I can." I say angrily, looking at my dad. "I have seen how much it has affected him. He is suffering, dad." I sigh. " He just wants to leave everything behind. Please help him get out of this."

"Whatever you are asking me to do is impossible. It would be like a shot in the dark. We don't have any evidence to prove what Richard has done and above everything you are saying that guy doesn't even remember what happened to him." He looks at me and huffs in irritation. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"Richard is sadistic. He was drugging Christopher so that he wouldn't get his memory back. He planned everything wisely to trap him. Everything went according to his will. And these three years have bought him enough time to destroy all traces." I stand in front of him now and look into his eyes, trying to convince him. "He is ready to confess everything and help you in taking down Richard. In return, you just have to let him get his freedom."

"This is crazy, Nicole. I can't do that...It wouldn't take long for my department to get to know about him once I'll go on it." He shakes his head in denial and declares. "What you are asking me to do is just impossible."

He then turns away from me, looking out of the window. I stare at his back in disbelief after hearing his blunt rejection. I thought my dad was the last hope that I had at getting help for Christopher. Now that he has denied it, I feel utterly devastated. I don't know what to do? I run a hand through my hair in frustration and look back to see him still facing the other side.

I take a deep breath and step forward before speaking. "Remember, you said you would do anything to get me to forgive you," I say slowly, and my dad turns to look at me.

I close my eyes for a brief moment before I get sure of what I am going to say. I then look into his eyes and finally say. "I am ready to forgive you if you'd help him." My dad just stares at me without saying a word and I feel like the last chance that I got slipping out of my hand.

"Please, dad. I love him." I choke on a sob and say, running out of my desperation.

Dad looks at me and his eyes look tired now. "Fine." He announces in a defeated tone, and I focus my attention back on him. He then closes his eyes and lets out a tormented breath. "But I need to have a word with him first. I'll text you the address of my other office. Bring him there tomorrow. I'll see what we can do." I wipe my eyes, smiling and glance at him, not believing what he just said.

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