Chapter 20- Jade

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I couldn't sleep. I've been tossing and turning all night, I can't get anything that Ryker told me out of my head.
I told her to get rid of it.
The sentence echoed around my head for hours; the look of pure regret and disgust on Ryker's face following each time. I still couldn't even imagine Ryker ever saying that about Heaven, but that's not what's bothering me. I saw a side of Max I didn't think existed; a side that used me. I know that wasn't his plan our whole friendship, but as soon as I told him where I was living, he was no longer my friend. The same with Cara. It hurt. It's only been a month and I've already lost the only friends I've ever cared about.
My phone buzzes. I reach over to the side table and pick it up; it's not like I'm sleeping anyway.

Are you okay? Ryker told us and his parents what happened. -Mom

I sigh. What am I supposed to tell her? Anything I say won't do my thoughts justice; I wish I could just slow my mind down and examine each thought by itself.

I'm okay. A bit overwhelmed, but I'm getting a handle on it.

Thats the only way I can explain it: overwhelming. My only two friends are gone, and I'm alone, at least it feels that way. Maybe this will change something between me and Ryker, maybe he'll give me a chance to be his friend.

Okay, Honey. Please, let me know if you need to talk. Good night, I love you!

I respond a quick 'love you' back and put my phone back on the side table. My mind drifts back to what Ryker said about Heaven's mom, Britt. I grabbed my phone again and went to Mrs Kalden's Facebook Photos page. I scrolled till it was showing pictures of Heaven as a tiny newborn. For about the first two months of Heaven's life, Mrs. Kaldens tagged Britt in every photo of Heaven. I click Britt's name and go to her page. The first image i see is a pretty girl in her 20s standing on a beach, smiling bright and holding a bottle of Malibu. She had dirty blonde hair and the same beautiful green eyes as Heaven; only hers her glossed over from the liquor and who knows what else. She was wearing a black bikini top and cut-off jean booty shorts, she looked like a college party girl. I scroll down to her most recent post to see when she last posted.
47 minutes ago
Oh. Nothing had happened to her to prevent her from seeing Heaven, she just didn't want to. She just left. She left Ryker with a newborn when he was only 16. I closed my phone and set it back on the side table. I know it's none of my business, but Ryker isn't going to be alone anymore, he's going to have a friend, and that friend's going to be me.

Knock knock knock
"Jade! It's 8 o'clock, I'm pretty sure you know that school starts at 8:15, but I figured I'd remind you..."
I shot out of bed.
"Crap, crap, crap!" I say to myself as I throw on the first clothes I find and sprint out my door and down the stairs. Mom and Ryker's Mom are sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee when I run in. Ryker was sitting in a chair next to Heaven's high chair, grinning.
"Well, good morning, Jade!" my mom laughs. "You're ready early!"
"What? No, I'm running la-" I pull my phone out of my pocket to show her the time.
"Wha?" Ryker let's out a laugh and mom and Mrs. Kaldens join in. I stare in disbelief.
Did... Did my schools bad boy just prank me?

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