Chapter 5(the noise)

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The girls   Looked around the corner and sees a trail of letters saying follow the letters beautiful jay .  Jay gives a serious look of stay here please in case to call the boys  ember nods and sits on the couch like normal.  Jay walks  to a tented windows and it's black with red stripes and  a man sits her in it and blindfolded her .caspian gets home and hangs out with ember and acts normal .  Jay and the man gets to the location and tied her to a chair and puts her in pj shorts and a tank top .   And the man says princess you're safe now he un-blindfolded her and it's Sam and she rubs up to him and kisses him and they get home and  fall asleep in each other's arms then jay wakes up to Sam having a gun to his head  and. She looks up and says d....  dad    And jay is strapped to the bed   She thinks it's just her dad and  discarded her dad so she got every one to safety  she's stuck to though

The city Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon