Character log 

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Name:Sam Oliver Jackson
Age:15 at the start of the storyline
Personally:sweet when you really know him and sneaky and quiet quick
Hobbies: stealing and acting and cooking
Description of the character: 6.2ft blue eyes light skin and curly  light brown hair and usually wearing back riled jeans and a hoodie with white sneakers and a pair of black glasses
Gender identity:male

Name: jay Lee stone
Personally: sweet shy  and smart
Hobbies: painting cooking and  coding
Description of the character:5.0ft green eyes straight black hair   Pale with freckles and usually wears a plad black and red  skirt and a black t-shirt and chain choker and black heal

Name: Caspian Knox Hunter
Age: 16
Personally: funny, outgoing,  rude, and really smart .
Hobbies: selling drugs, getting into trouble, and playing games.
Description of Character: 6'2, brown eyes, brown fluffy hair, and always were dark clothes.

Name: Emberlynn (em,ember) May Love
Age: 14
Personally: shy, smart, kinda funny, and bubbly.
Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, and volunteer work.
Description of Character: 5'3, brown straight hair, brown eyes, and tends to wear comfy clothes.

Name : Donte  Quinn Jackson
Age: 18
Personality: sweet stubern and sneaky
Hobbies: practicing for police school and gambling gaming



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