9 : Tranquility (The Last)

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The wedding ceremony was held at Kayla's home. Not many people attended the ceremony but enough to spread the news of Angel's marriage. They fastened the marriage so that both Angel and Brahms could achieved tranquility of a legal relationship based on their faith.

They both came back home now as a husband and wife. (I don't know why I'm fangirling over them right now while writing this haha ><)

They stood right outside of the front door, it was raining. Brahms stole a glance to see his loving wife's face before grabbing the doorknob and twisting it open making the insides of the house shown. It has been a long time since they left home for their wedding. Brahms, once again, took a look at Angel's face. Angel noticed it and smiled.

"What is it?" she asked, smiling. Brahms shook his head and immediately scooped her up, bridal-style like. Angel's shocked.

"I've been waiting for this moment my entire life." He said.

"What moment?"

"This." he said, giving her a small peck on her lips. Angel replied back with the same gesture and they both smiled timidly.

"Shall we go in now, my Queen?"

"Mhm, let's goooo!" Angel shouted excitedly, chuckling and pointing forward. Brahms laughed and made his way inside.

That evening, Angel was making dinner for them. She was standing near the kitchen counter, placing the dish onto their plates. She suddenly felt a long arms were wrapping around her waist, his head was resting on her right shoulder. Angel knew who it was, obviously.

"Yes, honey? want anyting?" she asked, not looking back to Brahms, because she was focusing on the dishes.

"Could you say that again....?" Brahms said.

"Say what, again?"

"The first sentence, the second word."

"Ah, honey...?"

The hug was suddenly tightened a bit and Brahms sunggled his head.

"I like it when you call me that and I love your scent." Angel replied with a beam and Brahms kissed her right cheek.

"I'm so lucky to have you in my life." he whispered. "So do I." she replied.

"Dinner's done. Let's eat, shall we, my dear husband?" she asked, turning her body to face him and to caressed his cheeks.

Brahms pulled her into a hug. "Why're you so precious!" he shouted.


That night, they were already in bed to sleep. Both of them were facing each other. The moonlight was the only light source that time. Brahms was speechless, watching his wife's lovely face that was also looking at him. He reached his hand to her cheek.

To think that all of these started from a childish and silly fight were enough to make him laughed. He never knew he'd meet someone that he'd never expected to be the strength of him. The person he'd been dreaming of, the person he'd been praying for. Now, here she was, laying next to him, smiling with that adorable face.

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