1 : First Impression

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(A/N) : In this book, I made Brahms more talkative and annoying brat while the heroine was a very honest and have this "so done with everyone" vibe. 😂 I tried my best to make this story more comedic than the first one. I hope you'll enjoy your reading!

(Oh and remember, English was not my first language ^_^ so there might be many grammatical errors)


I'm all alone now.
I don't have anyone else.
There's no mother.
There's no father.
No grandfather.
Nor grandmother.

I missed you already, grandma.

You promised me that you'd always be there for me whenever I want you to be. But who am I to whimper to this. If the God says that it's time, then it's time.

Remember when mother left me to you when father gave up on her and she'd also gave up on me? You said that whatever happens, close my eyes and imagine that you're here with me. How can I do that when you're not here anymore for me to imagine.

I can't,
I just can't.

Rest in peace, Scarlett Valorie Jones. Your warmth and your kindness shall I not forget until my very last breath. I love you grandma.

Forever and always your beloved granddaughter,
Angel Stephanie Jones

Angel was sobbing while driving down an eerie road in the woods. Her eyesight was so teary that she couldn't see anything that night. She decided to press the brake and stop while she was trying to get back her senses. She wiped off her eyes and slammed her face tenderly onto the the window. She sighed.

"God, if you hear me, please give me a sign that there's someone or something is expecting a broken soul like me who needs to be loved and cared for." She said, looking up to her car ceiling.

Right at that moment, she heard a clacking sound came from the outside of her car. She turned to see a very large black metal gates were opened. She looked back up to her car ceiling.

"This fast?" She asked. Angel did not think twice as she lowered the handbrake, press the gas and drive through the opened gates. She let out a nervous breath. "Here goes nothing."

When she had arrived in front of the house, her jaw dropped. "This is bigger than my neighbour's house,oh my great God."

She walked out of her car, locked it up and went straight to the front porch. She knocked on the door once. But it didn't budge. She knocked for the second time and it's still not opening even the slightest.

Ight mate, if this door is not going to open up when I knocked for the third time, I ain't playing games with you and I'll just barge inside.

She knocked for the last time. The door still did not opened. Angel had enough of it. She hold on the door knob and slowly turned it. The door was unlocked.

Huh? It's unlocked. Why....is it unlocked? As if the owner knows of my 'visit' here. Oh well, it's probably God's planning something.

She cracked the door open to see the insides of the house.

Goodness gracious, what kind of human beings are living in here? They must be rich for heaven's sake.

Should I say hello like in the movies? But I just barged into people's house...should I? I don't know.. oh my god Angel. You're an idiot. Let's go back outside.

That's when she heard a loud thump coming from upstairs. She jumped at the sound of it. Her face turned pale.

What's that? This..is a real red-flag girl. Let's go back outside-

Flash of lighting strike into the house through the windows alongside a loud sound of thunder.

She squeaked and fell down on the wood floor. She put both of her palms covering her ears with her eyes shut closed. She was rocking back and forth.

God, please make this stop. Please, please, please.

The flashing lightning and thunder stopped after an hour of crying once again. Angel's eyes turned pinkish-red and got really puffy.

"Who are you?" A sudden deep voice asked. Angel stopped sobbing. She wiped her tears before looking up to see a large tall man standing right in front of her. She immediately stand up to her feet and let out a nervous laugh.

"I-I knocked like three times before but no one answered so I came inside uninvitedly. I'm sorry, sir. I-I should go now."

Just as she was turning around, Brahms slowly stepped towards her and slammed his both hands onto the wall, locking Angel in the middle of his arms. His hazel-green eyes were staring into her soul. Angel tried so hard to avoid eye-contact with him but he grabbed her chin and straightened her face back to look at his eyes.

"I asked, who are you?" He pointed out the word 'are' again.

Oh, you wanna play games with me? Sure,boy.

"I am your future wife. How about that?!" She turned the table back to him, raising her voice. He was stunned by her words. He just stared at her cluelessly for a good minute, completely speechless.

He pulled back from her. His eyes were scanning her up and down. Arms were crossed tightly. He smirked.

"My future wife? Looking like this? What are you, a snob?" He said, pointing his finger at Angel's messy hair and puffy eyes. Angel hissed. "Look who's talking? What are those curly hair of yours? And those outfit? Boy, you be looking shabby."

"At least my eyes are not red."

"Well,at least I'm not wearing those."

"Well,at least I'm not short in height."

"What did you just say?"

"What? Mad now?"

"Ight boy, I'm done. I'll go now. Bye." Angel said, spinning on her heels. He pulled her back to the wall in a split second. She was shocked.

"You go and I'll kill you." He said,agitatedly looking straight to her eyes. His stare started to bring chills down her spine literally. "What're you doing?" She asked with a calm voice, trying not to make him more mad than he already was. "I'm making you stay." He answered. "Wh-what? Why?"

He sighed.

"Because you're too weak,vulnerable,innocent and small."

"What does those have to do with me?"

"I won't let you go outside at night alone, you moron stupid idiot."

Angel stared at him for a while before smirking. "Are you like, threatening me right now?"

He nodded.

"Or are you just lonely and need someone to talk to?"

He bit his lip. Angel chuckled.

"I'll stay then. Just for one night that is." She said confidently.

Little did she know that she won't be there just for one night.


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