2 : Oh, You're Handsome.

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(A/N) : I forgot to tell you that this book is dedicated to Leet725TaylorTaylor And the  rest of you 🌻❤️🙈🦋✨

Brahms finally at eased after hearing those words about Angel's staying. They were in an awkward situation before they heard a loud growl coming from Angel's stomach. Brahms was clueless at first. "What was that??" He asked, looking around. "My stomach...I'm hungry." Angel answered in embarrassment. He furrowed his eyebrows. "When was the last time you eat?"


Brahms palmed his face. "Didn't know you're that stupid."

Angel sighed.

"My grandmother died yesterday and I still haven't eaten anything after the last breakfast she made for me."

Brahms was lost for words. "I'm sorry...for your loss." Angel shook her head slightly. "Mmh, it's alright."

He then scooped Angel up. "Wh-wh-what are you doing..?!" Brahms didn't respond. That's when Angel started to fight. "Let me go!" She shouted, kicking and punching Brahms but he didn't budge. He stopped walking and turned to look at Angel who was closing her eyes and still 'fighting for her life' . "Stop it. It's no use fighting me. I'm a guy." He said, sternly yet calmed.

"Then what're you doing? What if you want to do bad stuff to me???"  Angel asked in panic. "I won't. You're hungry so we're going to the kitchen. Stop fighting and just rest assured."

Angel was now calm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her right cheek onto his left shoulder.

Brahms chuckled at her actions but Angel did not notice it.

When they have arrived at the kitchen, Brahms placed Angel on the kitchen counter and he began to make a strawberry jam sandwich. He gave it to her and she finished the sandwich in 5 minutes. She was the type of person who would always be polite when she's eating. Thanks to her grandmother, she grew up became a lovely lady. -well at least that's what she thought-

Brahms was smiling all along seeing her eating just now.  "Can I get some water,please?" She asked, politely. Brahms poured the water into a glass and handed it to her. A strand of hair was bothering her drinking but because of she's too thirsty, she just ignored the hair until Brahms stroked the hair to the back of her ear. They locked eyes for a second before Angel broke the stare and fake her cough.

Brahms leaned back to the kitchen table with crossed arms. "What's your name?" He asked. "Angel." Brahms laughed. "Are you kidding me? Angel? That's your name?"

Angel nodded. "Mhm, why..?"

"Your name just doesn't represent you at all."he sneered.

Now it's Angel's turn to crossed her arms. "Oh, really...?What's your name,gentleman?"




"Your name is so lame. It is most likely to be called as grandpa's name."

Brahms face turned agitated. So as Angel's.

"Are you trying to test me?" Asked Brahms.

Angel's crossed arms loosened. She's started to feel intimidated. She's scared at the thought of what Brahms was capable of doing to her. With the height of his, he just seemed too dangerous. Angel's finally gave in. She looked down at the floor, frowning.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"For making you annoyed. And for mocking your name."

I'm Here, Brahms [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now