8 : Your Hand in Marriage

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Angel looked outside of the window. She smiled. "It's snowing again. Do you want a cup of tea, coffee or a hot chocolate?" She asked, folding the blanket they were using last night along with the pillows. "Hot chocolate." He answered bluntly. She nodded. She saw Brahms's front curly hair was in the way of his eyes.

"What about breakfast?" She asked again, setting the hair out of the way of his eyesight. "Please, could you make me a chicken sandwich?"

Angel nodded in response. "Of course."


After breakfast, Brahms was laying down in front of the fireplace while reading the same book as last night. He heard a doorknob sound. He looked back at the sound was heard and saw Angel, dressed in a thick coat,boots,a scarf and a pair of gloves . Being the paranoid person he was, he immediately close his book, stand up and rushed to the front door where Angel was standing.

Angel turned her head when she heard a creaking sound. Just as she wanted to draw a smile, Brahms hugged her in an instant.

"Brahms? What's wrong? Are you alright?" She asked, patting his back softly. "Where are you going to?" He asked, in a sulky tone. "I'm going outside to bring the cat inside." She answered with her hand still rubbing his back. He parted their hug with a confusion look on his face.

"The cat? What cat?" He asked, looking straight into her green eyes. Angel furrowed one eyebrow. "The one that likes to see me cooking everyday in front of the kitchen window below the tree? Didn't you see it?"

It's Brahms turn now to furrowed one eyebrow. "No...I've never seen any cats roaming around this estate for years. In fact, ever since I was a toddler." He said. Angel was confused.

That's when Brahms came to realisation. "Wait, is it a black cat?" He asked. He could see Angel's face was now turning excited. "Mhm!"

"I had once took care of a black cat before but he died in his sleep and we've buried him underneath the tree in front of the kitchen window. I think what you saw was his ghost."

Her eyes widened and her face turned pale. "You're not...kidding..?" She asked in a trembling voice. "No. It's true."

Angel breathed in and out. It's obvious that she was trying to calm down. "Okay, they are exist. So I just need to calm down. Everything is alright."

The situation became silent for a while before Brahms let out a laugh. "I was just kidding. There are no ghosts here. I think the cat is not here today. We should take a look at the place it likes to sit." Brahms retorted. Angel scoffed at him.

"Don't joke around like that....I'm not as brave as you think, you know.." she said. "Huh? I've never thought of you being brave..?¿" said Brahms, purposely joking around again. "Tch."

Brahms let out a loud laugh.

While he was laughing, Angel stole a look at his laughing face and she beamed at him.

'Seeing you laugh freely like this, makes my heart flutter.'

Brahms saw Angel's stare and smiled softly. She who's just noticed the smile asked;


He shook his head. "Nothing, let's go." He said, holding her hand and put it into his jacket's pocket. They went out of the house and went to check on the cat that was said to be under the tree in front of the kitchen window.

I'm Here, Brahms [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now