4 : A Sudden Adoption

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Brahms sat down while Angel pour them their tea. They both ate their breakfast quietly. After breakfast, Brahms took Angel's empty plate before she even got to touch it. He washed their plate. Meanwhile, on the other hand Angel was about to walked out from the kitchen when Brahms suddenly called her name. She turned around to face him.

"Where are you going to?" He asked, scratching his nose and got the soap bubbles linked on his nose. Angel chuckled. She walked towards Brahms, grabbed her handkerchief that was placed neatly in her cardigan's pocket and wiped the bubbles off.  Brahms blinked when she did that.

"Now, you're done. You're a baby, you know that?" She said, still chuckling. Brahms just stared at her in annoyance. "You didn't answer my question earlier." He uttered agitatedly. "I'm going upstairs to take our clothes for the laundry." Brahms's mouth made an 'O' shape.


After doing the laundry, she went upstairs to where Brahms was at. He was laying down in his room -his late parents's room to be exact- reading a book. She knocked first before Brahms nodded and she then walked inside. She sat by him on the bed. Her eyes darted at the book he's reading. The cover was already ripped off. She smiled. Brahms noticed her smile and curiously asked;

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing in particular. It's just you remind me of my books. I read them over and over again until they were ripped off too. But my grandmother sold them all and bought me a new one."

"Really? Where's the book you grandmother bought you?"

"I gave it to my friend because she wanted to borrow it. Unfortunately she went camping and accidentally left it there. When we got there to get it back, it was already gone."

"So you were not smart all along." He muttered under his breath. "What?" She asked. "Nothing."

Angel gave him a stare before clapping her hands. "Ah! I wanted to tell you that I'm going to my house now to settle things down and picking up my belongings. Do you want to join me, perhaps?" She asked. Brahms stayed in a pause for a few seconds before replying;

"If you insist, then I'll go." He answered. "I did not insist you, okay!!" She rejoined with a laugh. She got up to her feet. "Let's go, boy." She jokingly said that. Brahms stand up to his full height and suddenly got closer to her and towering her. She was a little bit scared to look at his eyes so she lowered her eyes to his chest instead.

"Why..?" She asked, trying to act calm. "I'm a guy, you know." He said that with passion. "I-I know. So why..?"

He acted like coughing. "I'm just joking. It's just don't call any other men 'boy' like that because they might get their hopes up." Angel nodded in response. "Good. Now, let's goooooo!!" He shouted in excitement. When he's finally gone, Angel hold her chest where the heart was placed. "God, that was scary."

"Angel! Are we going or not?" Brahms called from a far. Angel's finally coming back to her senses. "Coming!" She shouted.


Angel was waiting for Brahms at the front door. When he's finally came downstairs, she was almost dying inside. Brahms was wearing a long sleeves shirt and shorts. She palmed her face. "Brahms, what are you wearing?" She asked. "Can't you see? It's a long sleeves shirt and shorts??" He answered bluntly. Angel sighed.

"No Brahms. Do you know how cold it is right now??? It's literally 2 celsius outside and you're wearing that??"

"Oh god, really?? I don't feel cold at all."

"Maybe it's because this house temperature is warm? I don't know but anyhow, let's get you changed first okay, baby Brahms??" She teased him and grabbed his hand, leading him to his room. She took out one hoodie for him to put on outside the long sleeves shirt and a trousers that looked warm for him to wear. That's when she realised that he didn't have much clothes to wear.

I'm Here, Brahms [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now