Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal XIII-Rescue From the Dark

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Written by @ReginaldKastle24 on Wattpad ;)

"Reginald, what are you doing?" Rio asked her older brother.

"What does it look like? I'm going to go save Yuma." Shark said.

Rio sighed. "Listen, I know you're worried about Yuma. We all are. However, you couldn't beat Vector in the hospital room." She explained. "You're getting weaker, and I don't want you to get yourself killed!"

Shark glared at her. "I'd rather it be me who gets hurt than Yuma." He said. "And besides, I already know of places where Vector would hide."

"Well at least tell us." Rio said.

"Us?" Shark questioned.

Rio opened the door to reveal the rest of the Barians standing there.

"You didn't think you were gonna rescue Yuma alone, did you?" Alito asked.

"We know how much he means to you Nasch, and we'll do our best to help you." Mizar said.

Shark smirked. "Are you sure? I don't need anyone falling for Vector's tricks." He said.

Rio laughed. "Dear brother, we know how Vector works and we're not afraid of him."

"Alright. Then let's get going." Shark said.


"This should be the place." Dumon said as the group stood in front of a small palace, located deep underground in Barian world.

Everyone else was in their Barian form except for Shark, who didn't even have enough power left to transform.

"Alright. Alito and I will be on guard, making sure no one comes for backup. Mizar and Girag, you'll be in charge of taking down Vector. Dumon and Nasch, you guys will be looking and rescuing Yuma." Rio explained.

"Okay. Make sure you're careful, guys!" Shark said before he and Dumon ran off to find Yuma.

The palace was huge, with many twists and turns throughout it. At the rate the two were going, it would take forever before they found Yuma.

"At this point, I'm ready to scream Yuma's name hoping he'll respond." Shark muttered.

"Listen, I get that you're worried, but doing that won't help us. It'll only make things worse." Dumon replied.

At that moment, Shark and Dumon found a hallway littered with cells.

"Yuma might be in one of these. Let's each take a side." Dumon said, walking to the left.

"Alright." Shark said, taking the opposite direction.

He quickly began looking through the hallway, hoping he'd find Yuma in one of the cells, although part of him was hoping he wasn't down here.

"Yuma?" Shark whispered as he neared the last few cells. "Yuma, if you're here, please respond!"

There was a slight shuffle, which made Shark turn towards the second to last cell quickly.

"Yuma?" He asked in a normal tone.

"Oh~? I'm afraid it isn't that easy Nasch." A familiar voice said, stepping into the light.

"Where the fuck is my boyfriend?" Shark said, raising his voice.

"Tread lightly little Shark! You don't want me to kill you!" Vector said, running towards Shark and knocking him into another cell.

"Dumon!" Shark yelled, knowing he couldn't handle Vector alone.

"He won't be coming! Just like Yuma!" Vector said, throwing a punch.

"What did you do to him?" Shark asked in an angry tone.

"Well, I suppose since I'm going to kill you..." Vector trailed off. "That brat didn't want to do anything with me! I couldn't go all the way, but I did get some fun out of him!"

Shark's eyes widened in anger. "You..." His eyes turned bright purple. "YOU BITCH!"

Shark threw Vector off of him, smashing him through the wall.


Shark was then finally able to transform into his Barian form once again. His rage and feelings for Yuma finally came through, restoring his powers.

Shark showed no mercy as he began punching Vector non stop, not giving the orange haired Barian time to retaliate.

"Nasch! Nasch, that's enough!"

Shark was suddenly pulled away from Vector by Mizar, as Dumon placed a spell on the unconscious Barian on the ground, preventing him from using his powers.

"Let me go Mizar!" Nasch demanded, fighting to free himself from Mizar's grasp.

"Given the current circumstances, I can not allow this fight to continue." Mizar stated.

"But Nasch, we know where Yuma's being held!" Dumon said.

Shark stopped fighting Mizar and looked at his friend.

"Where is he at?" Shark asked.

"I heard from Alito that he found Vector's room on the second floor. They're guarding it to make sure no one enters until you get there. He said Yuma is pretty shaken up." Dumon explained.

Shark quickly broke free of Mizar grasp and ran upstairs to the room.

"For Don Thousand's sake, he really only cares for Yuma's safety." Mizar sighed.

"Oh hush. Now help me with Vector." Dumon replied.


Shark quickly found the room where Alito was standing outside.

"Nasch, be careful when going in there. He's been crying for a while." Alito said sadly.

Shark nodded before slowly opening the door to the bedroom.

The crying seemed to stop as Yuma shuffled around on what sounded like the bed, though it was far too dark in the room for Shark to tell.

Shark saw a crystal by the door and held his hand to it, making it glow, illuminating the room.

He then turned towards the boy who was sitting on the bed. He didn't have his shirt on and his chest, arms, and shoulders were littered with bruises and bite marks. His eyes were red and his cheeks were tear stained, as if he had been crying for hours.

On top of that, his hands were tied behind his back, and he had a chain around his neck, already starting to leave bruise marks behind.

"Oh my God." Shark said in a quiet, yet shocked tone as he ran over to Yuma.

Shark spent no time removing the chain from Yuma's neck and the rope that tied his hands together.

Once that was done, Shark sat next to Yuma on the bed, looking him in the eyes. He hesitated before lifting his hands up, placing them on either side of Yuma's face.

"Yuma, it's me." Shark said.

Within seconds, Yuma burst into tears, wrapping his arms around Shark tightly, scared of letting go.

"N-No! No more! Please Shark! Don't let him get me again!" Yuma cried, although it was clear he was losing his voice, most likely because he had been screaming.

"Shh... I'm here now Yuma. Save your strength and your voice. I promise I'm going to get you out of here." Shark said, returning the hug.

A few minutes later, Shark broke the hug and took off his cape, putting it around Yuma before placing the young duelist in his lap.

Yuma leaned into Shark's chest, exhausted from all the screaming and crying.

"Rest right now Yuma. I'm going to protect you this time. You're safe with me." Shark said, running his fingers through Yuma's hair.

Yuma slowly nodded before closing his eyes, leaning into Shark's warmth.

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