Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal X-Safe and Sound

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Written by @ReginaldKastle24 on Wattpad ;)

About fifteen minutes later, help arrived. Of course, now they had to figure out how they were going to get the two boys out.

The rescue team sent a few men down using ropes, before the people above lowered a rope with a stretcher.

Yuma was the first to go, obviously. Shark told the rescue team that his injuries were more important, and they were.

After Yuma was taken up, Shark was next. He closed his eyes and turned his head as the bright lights came closer.

"Reginald!" Rio's worried voice called out.

Rio pushed past everyone and ran over to her brother.

"Are you okay?!" Rio asked with tears in her eyes.

"It's nothing. I'm okay. Where's Yuma?" Shark asked.

Shark didn't get an answer before paramedics put him in an ambulance and took him to the hospital.

Thankfully, at least for Shark, Yuma was next to him in the ambulance.

"Yuma." Shark called out to the young duelist.

Yuma turned his head and looked into Shark's eyes. His enchanting, sapphire eyes.

Yuma laughed a bit. "It's nice to finally see you in the light." He said.

Shark smiled in return and held Yuma's hand.

Yuma blushed a bit at this, but didn't mind. He loved Shark, and Shark loved him too.

The ambulance was quick to make it to the hospital, and Shark and Yuma were both brought in.

They were both roommates, a result of being a part of the same incident (or because the doctors ship them too, idk).

The doctors focused on Yuma first, with removing the metal. Shark would be lying if he said Yuma didn't yell as the doctors were removing it.

The doctors quickly stitched up the wound while Shark was gently calming Yuma down by holding his hand.

Another doctor came in and helped Shark, giving him a cast to help his shoulder heal.

About an hour later, all the doctors had left, giving the two time to rest. Shark looked over at Yuma and saw the doctors had wrapped his foot in gauze after stitching it up.

Shark got out of his bed and walked over to Yuma, then placed his hand on Yuma's shoulder.

Yuma opened his eyes and looked at his boyfriend with a smile.

Shark leaned down and gave Yuma a kiss. "You were so brave earlier." He said.

"No I wasn't. I yelled really loud and probably bothered everyone." Yuma said, looking guilty.

Shark gave Yuma a sad smile. "Move over." Shark said.

Yuma moved over and Shark laid down next to him. Yuma smiled and quickly nuzzled into Shark's chest for comfort.

Shark laughed. Nothing like an attention craving boyfriend to end the night. Shark fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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