Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal IX-Confessions And Waiting

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Written by @ReginaldKastle24 on Wattpad ;)

Shark opened his eyes to see he was surrounded by darkness. He was confused on where he was, until he heard the groan of a familiar duelist.

"Yuma!" He said, trying to get up. As soon as he did, however, Shark yelled out in pain. Yeah, he was 90% sure that his shoulder was broken.

"Yuma, where are you?! Say something!" Shark yelled.

He didn't get a response.

Shark then noticed his duel gazer on the ground, revealing a small light source. He picked it up and turned on the flashlight. It would flicker at points, but it was better than nothing.

Shark quickly began looking for Yuma, and soon found him.

"Yuma! Yuma, are you okay?! Speak to me!" He said, gently shaking Yuma by the shoulders.

Yuma's eyes slowly opened, but then closed as he winced in pain.

"What's wrong?!" Shark asked in a worried tone.

"M-My foot! It hurts!" He replied in pain and agony.

Shark quickly shined the flashlight over towards Yuma's foot, and his left (Shark's right) one was covered in blood. A result of a small piece of metal stabbing him.

Shark quickly examined it, seeing there was really nothing he could do until help arrived.

"Stay here. I'll see if I can find-"

"No! Don't leave!"

Shark looked at Yuma, who was crying.

"N-No... I want to be in your arms Reginald. Please..."

Shark was surprised. This was a side of Yuma that he had never seen before.

"Okay. I'll stay." Shark said, laying down next to Yuma and wrapping his arms around him.

About an hour passed, and they were still stuck down in the dark. Shark kept trying to call for help, but there wasn't any service. And he wasn't going to move to try and find one.

By now, it was growing colder, most likely because the sun was setting. Yuma nuzzled himself into Shark's chest for warmth.

"W-Will we get out of here alive?" Yuma asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, we will Yuma. I promise, we won't die here." Shark replied.

"I-I'm scared Reginald..." Yuma said, tears pouring down his face.

Shark gently rubbed Yuma's back. "It's okay Yuma. I'm here with you, and you're safe with me. I...I love you Yuma, and I won't let anyone or anything harm you." Shark said with a blush.

Yuma looked up at Shark, knowing that he wasn't afraid to say how he felt now.

"I love you too... C-Can I kiss you?" Yuma asked.

Shark nodded as he leaned towards the young duelist, their faces only centimeters apart. Yuma leaned forward, closing that gap between them, giving Shark a loving kiss.

Once the two pulled away for breath, Shark smiled.

"Yuma, this may be weird to the others, but will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"Of course I will. I love you!" Yuma said happily.

Shark was happy that he was finally able to tell his crush how he felt. Shark then noticed Yuma's pained expression.

"Is it your foot?" Shark asked.

"Y-Yeah. It still hurts a lot." Yuma said.

Shark gave him a sad smile and place a kiss upon Yuma's forehead.

Suddenly, Shark heard voices from the surface.

"They should be here! I don't know where they went!" The voice belonged to Rio.

"Calm down. They couldn't have gotten far." Another voice said, sounding like Dumon.

"Help!" Shark yelled.

"We're down here!" Yuma yelled, hoping the two of them would be heard.

"Did you hear that?!" Rio asked Dumon.

"It sounds like Shark and Yuma!" He replied. "Where are you two?!"

"Rio! Dumon! We're down here!" Shark yelled.

"Oh my god! Are you two okay?!" Rio yelled, hearing the voice again.

"We need help! Yuma's hurt!" Shark yelled back.

"Shark, you're hurt too." Yuma stated.

"Shut up. You're ten times more important than me." Shark replied.

"Okay! Damon's calling for help right now! Just hang on!" Rio yelled.

Shark hugged Yuma tightly. "Don't worry. We're going to get you help."

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